A spell to reunite with a lost love

Many people go through life with a broken heart from a lost love. They feel that if they were given a second chance, things might be different. In this article you will learn a spell that could help you get that chance.

Reunion spell with lost love


2 pink candles

1 white candle

sandalwood incense

opium incense

chilli powder

sea ​​salt

2 sheets of paper

in the pen

vanilla extract


1/2 teaspoon water

ritual knife

lost love photo

red altar cloth

A stone of any kind (clean)

a small bell

holy book of any kind


Place the cloth on your altar (or a small table). Ring the bell three times while opening the holy book to any page. Fill the glass with the water and place it on the altar near where your left hand will rest. Arrange stone, candles and incense within easy reach. Put the pen and paper where you can write with them. Place the spices near your right hand.

Close your easy and imagine specific physical details about the person you are trying to meet. Breathe slowly and imagine that you are at the bottom of a grand staircase with a hundred numbered steps. With each breath you take, imagine that you are taking a step up. With each fictional step you take, imagine a specific detail about that person (physical or otherwise). If there aren’t a hundred things you can think of, switch to memories of the two of you together or how they made you feel.

Open your eyes and light the candles and incense. He says out loud three times:

Come to me as the amulet is made,

Queen of Heaven,

queen of hell,

Horned hunter of the night,

Lend power to this spell,

And work my own will by magical rite.

By the powers of land and sea,

By the power of the moon and the sun.

With all the passions of Venus,

And all the will of Mars,

Through the dark and angry stars.

I call upon the Earth to bind this spell,

The air and the wind to accelerate this well,

Bright as any fire, it will shine.

Deep as the watery tide will flow.

Count all the elements by four,

But in the fifth this spell will remain.

Ring the bell once, sit down and raise your palms up to the sky. Say out loud three times:

Reveal this desire that is my will,

be it good or bad,

With my open heart I seek to see,

What (full name of love) holds for me.

Come in the dreams full of truth of my dream,

Let me wake up with memories.

Write what you want to happen on a piece of paper along with your full name and the full name of your love, each repeated three times. Write what comes between you (location, injury, another person, etc.) on the other piece of paper, repeating three times. Say out loud what you would like to say to that person as you sprinkle the powder on the candles and in the water. Light the incense. Hold the hurdle paper, writing, up to the sky.

Say out loud three times:

Candles lit to strengthen my will,

This spell will be cast through thick and thin.

Remove the limits of (lover’s name) and my path,

Unlock all these paths and let us through,

By Venus and Aphrodite,

For Mars and Ares,

Please clear the way.

Use the ritual knife to cut the obstacle paper into small pieces. Spread them across the fabric, but keep them away from flames. Sprinkle the sea salt over the papers and into the water.

Say out loud three times:

I banish this bread.

Add the vanilla to the water. Place your loved one’s photo on top of the shredded paper.

Song five times:

Bring joy, passion and fire,

Listen to these wishes of my heart.

The Universe and Mother Earth,

Hear my cry.

If it’s up,

So it’s down.

heavens it will be,

Bring me my beloved (lover’s name) home.

Drink the water while mentally focusing on the last time you were together.

Say out loud three times:

Let this damage be done

Please start the repair,

The time has come for this loss to end.

By God and Goddess it will be,

Let my love (lover’s name) see.

Blow out the candles and clean up the mess, collecting the shredded paper and photos in a small bag. Place this bag under your pillow at night while you sleep and on your person during the day for three days.

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