How damaging are potholes and speed bumps on your tires?

As much as drivers are bothered by potholes and potholes, they often do not consider the damage that a pothole or pothole can cause to their car. Tires, in particular, are at risk of serious damage.

Speed ​​bumps

Any driver will agree that speed bumps are a nuisance. Not only do they force drivers to suffer a bumpy ride, but they also exacerbate some of the problems they must solve. For example, speed bumps in some ways are actually softer to pass faster. Speed ​​humps can also increase noise and pollution because when cars slow down to go through a hillock, they usually pick up speed again afterward. Ironically, although it is designed to be speed retarders to prevent accidents, distracting drivers by driving them over steep slopes has in some cases been shown to be more dangerous. On top of all this, speed bumps can seriously damage your car, which means that people who live in bump-ridden areas have to spend more money on vehicle maintenance.

What harm can they do?

Speed ​​bumps can cause a surprising amount of damage, particularly to tires. Most commonly, humps damage the inside shoulders of car tires and, more worryingly, the damage here is not always easily seen. This means that drivers may not be aware of the problem at all and a blowout may occur which, especially if it occurred at high speed, could be extremely dangerous or fatal. Humps can also damage suspension, steering, and road springs.

Can damage be avoided?

Obviously, whenever possible, if you can take an alternate route and avoid speed bumps or cushions altogether, that’s the safest thing to do. If speed bumps are unavoidable, the best thing drivers can do is make sure they check the inside of their tires regularly. The meter wide beveled edge speed dampers that are designed not to slow down large vehicles are best driven on one wheel at a time, alternating wheels from hump to hump. Straddle speed cushions are much worse for inside tires.


Road repair is expensive, so many roads in the UK still have potholes. Unfortunately, sometimes routes with large or numerous potholes are unavoidable, but drivers should be aware that going over a pothole, even a small one, can damage or crack tires. This can lead to bigger problems, such as deflation or bulging.

Since potholes can cause noticeable damage to car tires, drivers should try to look for common signs: bulging tires, dents, leaks, rust, or suspension failure are all signs that a car has been damaged by potholes.

If a driver suspects that their car or tires have been damaged after driving down a bumpy road, be it over humps, cushions, or dents, it is essential that they visit a tire repair or replacement specialist. Damaged tires should always be repaired or replaced as quickly as possible to ensure they remain safe on the road, as letting the problem get worse could lead to a dangerous accident.

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