Review of the book “The Jewish approach to God”

In “The Jewish Approach to God,” Rabbi Neil Gillman shares his views on the comparisons between Jewish and Christian theology. Those are two belief systems that, although so closely linked, can only be understood by sharing and bonding with each other.

As a beginner in exploring the Hebrew language, I sat down with a notepad to jot down new vocabulary words. I had recently read another book written by three women, a Jew, a Muslim, and a Christian of Catholic / Episcopal origin.

The idea of ​​sharing experiences seems easy, but to fully understand the story, you need to start delving into the languages. This is a big and time consuming task.

One thing that was not clear to him is that he used the word God. I’m glad, but I thought that Jews were not allowed to use that name.

Another thing that was a bit difficult was that he was very intellectual. My faith in Christianity seems so simple.

I remember that within each religion there are various denominations and practices. Some people only practice the traditions they were raised in as a vacation, and others search for the deeper meanings.

I follow Jesus with all my heart and keep it simple. For some non-religious people, I can be seen as deeply religious and yet for some conservatives as too liberal. I believe in mercy and charity and I trust that God will take care of the rest.

To me, the New Testament seems easier to read than the Old Testament. I don’t know if that is because the languages ​​changed or the times changed. Just as today is so different from the Middle Ages, there seems to be a difference in communication.

For the Gentile reading this book, if you are a first-time explorer, you may want to get a notebook, pen, Bible, and dictionary or the Internet to look up words that are new to you. It will make reading an adventure.

Not all of my questions were answered, but you may need an elementary version, like children’s books, to get started. This was like starting out in seminary, so it was a big part to take on.

I have my notes and questions. I plan to go back and find more resources. First I’m doing this at home on my own and then I can audit a class and finally try a course for credit. Wish me luck.

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