What is the best way to document your product or service to the world?

Are you able to consistently create super-effective, authentic, and error-free documents for your product or service every time you need it?

Didn’t you often feel the lack of good documentation for your product or service to reach the world?

Even if you are a good product owner or provide a great service or maybe even a brilliant writer, the amount of time it takes to generate all the marketing materials and product materials for all your email campaigns, sales pages, blog posts and video scripts , product documentation can be overwhelming. When you are faced with the task of writing an urgent email, blog post, video script, or documentation for a product or project… how do you feel?

Don’t you feel exhausted just by the thought of writing? You may end up staring at your computer or that blank sheet of paper, hoping for that elusive flash of inspiration and motivation. Once you start, do you feel part of the creative flow or more like a fish out of water?

How productive can you manage documentation needs when you’re busy manufacturing your product or providing your services to customers?

Does it come out in torrents with very few editions? Or does it take you a long time to get started? You might even procrastinate…

Remember, if the writing process ends up taking longer than you expected, it will take you away from the work you were meant to do in the world.

Finally, ask yourself this:

Are you making the difference in the world that you were meant to?

What is your true gift? What is the real reason you are in business?

Whatever your answer, that’s what you NEED to do! If you’re too busy doing what someone else could be doing for you… then you’re taking valuable time away from what you do best.

The point is this: Let go of what you need to do and agree to do what you love so that you can go out and share your gifts and make a better world.

Outsourcing writing assignments in this situation is ideal rather than keeping a full-time resource in the organization.

Outsourcing Documentation Work Makes Sense

  • If you have uneven demands with periodic bottlenecks. Hiring contractors, a workaround, is difficult and expensive.
  • Documentation of established products, especially if development is also outsourced.
  • Documentation that requires many tools and authoring packages. Your outsourcing partner probably already has them.
  • Specialized skills and domains that are hard to find.
  • When you can’t or don’t want to hire and manage new employees

Discover the perfect partner for all your technical documentation needs:

Exceeding the high standards of the big names in the world of IT and non-IT…

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