5 Activities Cats Love to Participate in Whenever They Can

Cats love to scratch and scratch.

It is instinctive for cats to scratch and scratch different surfaces as a way to sharpen their claws. They actually have a lot of fun doing this.

In addition to sharpening their claws, scratching can help relax and rejuvenate cats. Think of it as the human equivalent of a nice long stretch when your muscles are tired or sore. A quick scratching session on a cat tree or scratching post can wake up a tired kitty in no time.

Cats love daily playtime

Playtime is serious business for cats, from kitten to senior. It doesn’t take much to keep a cat entertained—he’ll play with anything from fluff and string to cat toys—but it’s a vital part of his health and development. Playtime not only harkens back to their days in the wild when they had to stalk, hunt, and capture their prey, but it also keeps them exercised, engaged, and happy.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of cat toys on the market, but your cat may also like games like hide and seek. No matter your cat’s choice of play, it’s important to sneak in a few minutes a day.

cats love to watch birds

It is not uncommon to see cats curled up on window sills. Because? It is a privileged place for bird watching! Whether cats love to watch birds because they are prey or simply because movement captures their attention, some cats can spend hours watching birds every day.

If your cat loves to curl up in windows, be sure to protect her skin from the harsh rays of the sun, especially if she has light-colored fur. Try to limit your window hours when the sun is strongest, between 10 am and 4 pm, and talk to your vet about cat-approved sunscreens.

Cats love their humans

Although cats are often portrayed as solitary animals, they need love, attention and companionship, and love to get it from their humans. The ways cats say “I love you” are a bit different than humans.

Some signs that your cat loves you include purring, touching (or laying his head on you), sleeping on or near you, meowing, licking, and even sticking his butt in your face. Yes really.

Cats love to eat fresh and nutritious food.

You’re unlikely to want to plunge into a big plate of spoiled food at dinner time. The same goes for your cat. Rancid and spoiled food not only tastes bad, but it can also harbor different types of bacteria, such as Salmonella and Staphylococcus.

Whenever you serve your kitty’s meals, be sure to check the expiration dates on both wet and dry food. This will ensure that you only feed your cat fresh, nutritious, and safe foods.

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