5 key reasons why Trump became so powerful!

Those who, either politically, opposed former President Donald Trump’s policies, ideas, etc., or, can’t seem to understand, why, his main supporters and political influence, was/is, so important, etc. ., fail, to learn, from the last four years! Certainly, he was not the most intelligent, prepared, qualified, capable, or honorable individual to ever hold that position, but, in many ways, he was one of the most influential! Unless, we find out, what made him, so powerful and followed, and so many, continue to be ardent defenders, the concept of freedom and justice, for all, may be in – danger! With that in mind, this article will briefly try to consider, examine, review and discuss 5 key reasons for these occurrences, and why it is important to know and understand.

1. Ability to connect/motivate/understand, his main followers: Although many, including myself, felt that Donald Trump was an ill-advised choice to be President of the United States, he had an incredible ability to connect with his core supporters, in a very real way. way! He seemed to realize that many people vote more based on their fears, biases/prejudices, resentments, perceptions, etc., than on who might make the best leader. His statements of his often tended to appeal, to create polarization, than to bring people together, for the common good!

two. Deny, deny, deny: I remember when a lawyer friend of mine said that the main rule, for any defendant, is to deny, deny, deny! There can be little doubt Trump understood and followed that concept and approach, referring to anything he disagreed with as false facts! He never admitted a mistake, even when he was in a video, and constantly doubled down on a lie instead of adjusting his statements!

3. Blaming and complaining: According to him, it was never his fault! Rather, he complained and blamed a variety of others for anything that wasn’t popular and/or desirable. Sometimes he was a political adversary, and other times he resorted to blaming and complaining about an ethnic, racial, or other group, which he realized seemed to please his core supporters.

Four. Appeal to fears, resentments, biases, prejudices, instead of hope: How often, did we witness, would Trump’s appeals to the fears, resentments, biases and prejudices he seemed to feel resonate with his core supporters? Potentially, this behavior and appeal allows some of the haters and appeal to them to take matters into their own hands, as they did, during certain violent behaviors and the horrific insurrection, at the seizure, on Capitol Hill, on 6 January!

5. Keep it simple!: We never listen to Trump, overcomplicate or even fully explain the issues, ramifications and options etc! He mastered the art of keeping it simple and repeating the same things, over and over again!

If you believe, as I do, the former President’s actions, behaviors, rhetoric, and bawdiness, as well as excessive lies or misstatements, it is important to mobilize Americans to pay more attention, when they vote, in the future! ! Will you commit to being a more responsible citizen?

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