Bloom in your achievements

A student recently asked me, “How can I flourish in my achievements?” Too often we forget or make light of our achievements. Even people who have accomplished a lot in their lives often don’t give themselves credit for the goals they achieve or the good things they do. “Oh that,” they say, “that wasn’t much.”

Actually acknowledging our accomplishments realistically gives us a sense of calm confidence and knowing who we are. This confidence and knowledge will serve us well in all areas of our lives. We regularly celebrate and give great importance to birthdays, anniversaries, graduations and other events that mark our lives. Celebrating our accomplishments, even in small ways, paves the way for future goals. It helps us focus on the good things we do.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the distance between where we are and where we want to be, especially if our goals are big and far-reaching. It’s also easy to feel overwhelmed by the many bad things in the world. Paying attention to what we have accomplished and focusing on the many acts of kindness and good that we do every day, sometimes without even thinking, keeps our vision clear. We can achieve our goals. We do many good things every day.

How can you flourish in your achievements? Share them with others. Recognize them yourself. Ask others if they have seen you doing a good deed or something kind for another person. Remember your recent achievements in school. Did you get a good grade? Did you do well on an exam? Are you up to date with your homework?

Taking a moment each day to recognize these achievements contributes to our sense of integrity. Keeping before us the good things we do helps us be honest about the positive contribution we can and do make to our workplace, our family, our school, and our community.

Think about it for a moment. What did you do today that made you feel good? Remember the little things, like picking up a piece of trash, helping someone without being asked, as well as the big things.

The more time you take to think about and remember your accomplishments, the more of them you’ll find yourself doing. What gets noticed is easily improved, so be sure to take note. Ask your family and friends to help you take note of your achievements. And watch yourself bloom. Good luck friends!

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