Can you hear me laugh?

National Relaxation Day?


Has it come to this?

Do we need a special day?

to remind us to relax?

IT’S OKAY. So maybe it’s just me, but when I opened an email this morning announcing that today was “Natural Relaxation Day,” I laughed hysterically.

I realize now that most people find my sense of humor a little weird, but come on folks, are we so uptight that we need a special day to unwind?

Well, I guess as a nation, we probably are and we probably will.

Are you laughing already?

If not, try saying this out loud 3 times, fast:



hee hee hee


Laughter will help you relax, by the way. It is the best medicine to relax and also to heal yourself.

So find the humor in everything. Life is full of absurdities, so she starts looking for them. And when you find them, laugh out loud.

So here’s a nonsense to get you going in the laughter/chill department.

I can’t find an outdoor thermometer that gives the correct temperature. I’ve been looking for weeks locally, and the size and type that I need just don’t seem to exist. This wasn’t true a few years ago, but each one I bring home is 4-6 degrees or more off.

I even noticed in a hardware store that there were 3 outdoor thermometers of exactly the same size and each showing a different temperature. Do the people in the store care? They hadn’t noticed, and even when I pointed it out, they didn’t remove these bits of junk.

Now I could cry and tear my hair out, but instead, I’m just laughing. How ridiculous that the quality of the products has reached this pathetic level. There is no integrity at all.

It really is a good sign, because we can’t get much worse than this, so things will get better soon. At least that is what I am creating in my personal reality.

Ready for nonsense #2?

I keep having all kinds of technical problems with the software I use on the Internet, and I have to call the companies involved and get technical help.

This seems to be on the rise as well lately. A call that I had to wait an hour to get through. I figured this was a big glitch that affected a lot of people, but decided to stick with it in case it was just my account.

I finally got a very nice woman on the line who told me the techs were working on the issue. I replied that she suspected it was something like that.

To my surprise, the woman thanked me profusely for not disturbing her.

She explained that the last person she had spoken to who called had cursed her.

So I gave him some emotional/spiritual support, telling him not to take it personally, that everyone is stressed these days (as in…not relaxed), and that it was the other person’s problem, not hers She was grateful.

Now I’m not laughing at the woman’s plight. But what I did notice is that this was the second time in 24 hours that I found myself providing support to the support person I called.

That makes me doubt my spiritual service. Has changed? Am I meant to stop talking to animals and just call tech support lines to help the people who answer the phones? (Please tell me you can feel the irony here.)

absurd #3

I needed a new, travel type soap dish with a lid that clips on and stays closed when you close it.

I couldn’t find one locally anywhere, but finally, with fall coming and school starting, Bed, Bath, and Beyond had some. It had a label with writing on it, but I didn’t bother to read it. I assumed it was just a company name tag. So I bought it for about $2 and brought it home.

When I got home and cut the label off, I decided it had more letters than a name, so I took out my reading glasses and what do you think I’m reading?

Come on, this can be an interactive blog.

Let your imagination fly.

What could I have said?


It said that this soap dish had antibiotics in the plastic that is not washed and will prevent things from growing in your soap dish.

Part of my mind said, “Is this real?”

Another voice in my head said, “Are people so afraid of getting sick?”

The first voice said: “Yes, let’s distribute more antibiotics so that the few that are left that work also stop working.”

My I Am Presence said: “Throw it away and wash your hands well!”

So I did.

I also had a good laugh.

Friends, we need to stop being so afraid of everything and start maintaining our personal power.

Ready to start!


Find something fun in your daily life.

Find something absurd.

Laugh about it.

Laugh at that.

Belly laughs at that.

And relax!

Happy National Relaxation Day –

I hope you are celebrating.

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