Candida Yeast Infection: Do I Have It and What Is It?

Do I have candidiasis and what is Candida Albicans?

Candidiasis, commonly called thrush or thrush, is a fungal infection of any of the Candida species, with Candida albicans being the most common. Thus, candidiasis encompasses infections ranging from superficial, such as oral candidiasis and vaginitis, to systemic and life-threatening diseases.

There are many symptoms related to Candida and it is difficult to determine. It is not the norm for conventional doctors to consider this condition as a possible diagnosis. Many people who suffer from Candida often go from doctor to doctor for years with no other answer than maybe they are hypochondriacs or that the problem is stress or another mental issue.

Although Candida albicans is normally a harmless yeast that is present in all of our bodies, it becomes a problem when various factors (especially antibiotic overuse and stress) in our lifestyle cause it to grow in large numbers and outgrow all other healthy microorganisms. Once it starts to grow beyond the normal rate it should, it releases over 70 different toxins into the body, wreaking havoc in many ways and becoming the ally of many common difficulties, conditions, syndromes and illnesses that plague our society today .

Some of the most common symptoms are vaginal yeast infections, severe PMS, body rashes, acne, athlete’s foot, and urinary tract infections. You can also develop allergies to food, dust, mold, fungus, yeast, inhalants, and chemicals.

If you are taking antibiotics and have been taking them for some time, you may want to have your doctor check you for candida. Other indications are repeated episodes of bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, and streptococcal or staphylococcal infections.

Extreme fatigue, headaches, muscle pain, joint pain. Psoriasis, nail infections, and arthritis are also indications, but may not be the result of Candida. Your brain is greatly affected by Candida and you may experience memory loss, severe forgetfulness, trouble reading, and many other mental conditions that can lead to desperate crying spells, severe depression, and sleep disturbances.

If you suspect you may have a yeast infection, see a doctor as soon as you can and let them know you want to be tested for the disease. Don’t let them minimize your problems and concerns. Remember that it is you who pays your bills and not the other way around, and it is your body and your life that you are responsible for. If you’re comfortable with that, seek out a natural health practitioner because they’re more likely to take your symptoms seriously and look for issues like candida.

If you’ve been feeling more tired than usual, experiencing a lot of sugar cravings, and having some trouble concentrating, you may have a Candida overgrowth. Candida occurs naturally in your digestive system. But due to several different factors, it can grow out of control.

Conventional medicine is only now realizing the impact that a Candida overgrowth can have on a person’s life. Although the condition used to be associated with advanced immune system disorders, it is now becoming apparent that Candida overgrowth affects many different people in different ways.

Candida Albicans happens and now you can start to control the condition before it gets out of control.

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