Cheap hair loss treatment for men!

Being bald is not a very attractive prospect, I know my dad always used to scare me every time he said I would go bald one day! It makes thousands of people each year try to find a solution to his otherwise embarrassing problem. Not everyone can afford to spend thousands of dollars on the next wonderful treatment.

Many people are looking for cheap hair loss treatments, there are actually several of these. Just because they’re affordable doesn’t mean people aren’t having success using them. There are quite a few affordable solutions to treat baldness in men.

Some common examples are creams, herbal remedies, and shampoos. Some of these work great, while others can be a waste of time. It’s up to you and of course whether the product is good.

You need to make sure that any product you buy is capable of regrowing lost hair. Don’t focus too much on price, not all expensive treatments are actually better than some of the more affordable options.

Saw Palmetto is a great value, affordable and effective hair loss treatment that thousands of people are using. Many of these are finding the effects to be very beneficial.

This product is a natural herbal extract and works by blocking DHT. DHT is a product of testosterone, this kills the hair follicles and you usually won’t notice what is happening until you start to lose your hair.

Saw Palmetto can be incorporated into your normal diet; this is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to take it. Just make sure you take around 1500mg per day for the best results. The effect should kick in pretty quickly, which will impress a lot of people!

There are also many other treatments that are more affordable; some people even suggest washing your hair with Nizoral shampoo twice a week. Although this is an anti-dandruff shampoo, scientists have proven that ketoconazole, which is the active ingredient in this shampoo, is indeed a DHT blocker.

This means that this cheap shampoo will not only get rid of dandruff, but it could also put hair back on your head! However, you should not use this shampoo every day as using it too often can lead to unwanted effects such as dryness and flaking of the scalp. Using it twice a week should be enough for most people with mild hair loss.

There are many different hair loss treatments available, just make sure you do your homework and find the right one for you. If you have any concerns be sure to consult your doctor, although these products may seem normal, they can still cause problems if you are taking other medications.

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