Clash of Clans Most Amazing Facts

Hi guys, Clash of Clans is one of the most famous games around the world. There are more than 29 million active users of this game. In 2012, supercell released Clash of Clans. It is a strategy game in which you have to build your own kingdom in which you are the head of the village. Clash of Clans has a different kind of magical world in which there are different kinds of creatures like giants, witches, goblins, etc. It gives us a completely new experience and we believe that we are part of that magical world. Through this game, you can also connect with people from all over the world and add them to your clan. So here are 15 amazing facts about Clash of Clans.

1. $ 5 million a day

Supercell has a very large user base. There are so many players around the world who play the game on a daily basis. Most of the players start it out of curiosity to know why everyone is playing this game, but then they get addicted to this game and some of them also use real money on it, which helps the super cell to get so many Profits. In February 2015, supercell was making $ 5 million a day.

2. Value of Supercell $ 5.5 billion

This game was released by supercell after its heyday and then slowly spread around the world. Everyone was playing this game and the user base of this game was increasing dramatically. Which was increasing the value of the supercell. After Softbank’s investment in supercell, Clash of Clans’ value with other Supercell mobile games became $ 5.5 billion.

3. Six ipads at the same time

Clash of Clans is a strategy game. One person can play it using multiple devices for a better experience. Some players use multiple Gmail accounts to play games and create them separately. One of the best Clash of Clans players “George Yao” spent about 6 months playing Clash of Clans on his 5 ipads at the same time. He said he used to take his iPads into the shower to play Clash of Clans.

4. $ 7000 per month in town

Clash of Clans also has in-app purchases, which is supercell’s source of income. In this, the player can buy the gems by giving real money to the super cell. Many players around the world buy gems for real money. One of the best “panda” players spends around $ 7000 per month on Clash of Clans. That $ 7,000 was just 7 percent of his income.

5. 50% revenue from 10% of players

Like any other game, Clash of Clans also has its best players. There is a list of leaderboards in the game that shows the best players from around the world or from a particular country. Clash of Clans generates nearly 50 percent of the revenue for the top 10% of players. That is the reason why this game is free for everyone in the world.

6. Approximately 29 million active users

As we said before, this game has a very large user base. This game is available in so many countries with so many different kinds of languages, so it is obvious that this game has so many users all over the world. There are around 29 million active users of this game. Which brings them millions of dollars.

7. Only 15 people work in Clash of Clans.

Supercell has released four mobile games which are, Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, Boom Beach and the heyday to handle these four games Supercell has employed 150 people, but only 15 people are working on Clash of Clans by VentureBeat.

8. 5 thirds of the troops

This game comes with 5 levels of troops that are designed for a player from beginner to professional. The first 3 levels are for elixir troops, the other levels are for dark elixir troops and after that, the heroes are introduced. The first levels have the army as a giant army with archers, in the second level the level is increased and dragon attacks are used. At the third level, PEKKA and Golem are introduced. after that, the dark elixir troops are unlocked and at the end the heroes are presented.

9. Sleeping builder

This game is about upgrading your village to a higher level. To improve your village you need a builder. You can use a maximum of 5 builders in this game, but the fun thing is that if the builder is not building something in your village, the builder’s hut will show z which means the builder is sleeping and enjoying his vacation.

10. PEKKA came from Facebook

Every fighter knows who PEKKA is. PEKKA is a powerful troop that can destroy a building with a single shot. But do you know where the name PEKKA comes from? In 2012, supercell started a contest on Facebook to get the best name for the acronym PEKKA and the winner of the contest was “Perfect Enraged Knight of Assassins”.

11. Tesla hides double damage to PEKKA

We have talked about so many troops but what about defensive buildings? So here comes the hidden tesla. A Hidden Tesla, which is a defensive building that hides from attackers until troops get close enough to it and then comes out of the ground and gives enemies electric shocks. Hidden Tesla can do double damage to PEKKA due to the conductivity of the troop’s armor.

12. There is no unofficial wall

Most strategy games like Clash of Clans have a system where the player places their buildings in the corner of the map and gets an unofficial wall, which means that no one can attack from that side because the attackers cannot deploy. troops there. but in Clash of Clans, placing your buildings in the corner of the map will not give you unofficial wall protection. Troops can be deployed there and can attack you from there, so you better be careful.

13. Heroes are the most valuable tools

Heroes are the most important and valuable in Clash of Clans. When attacking, wait for your hero to regain his stamina. Heroes can make a big difference in the outcome of a battle. when you are away, you can put them into guard mode or sleep mode.

14. Level of matters related to the town hall

The most important building in Clash of Clans is a town hall. The player has to protect the town hall because if the enemy destroys your town hall they will win the battle. You have to pay attention to the level of the opponent’s town hall you want to attack. If you attack a town hall of your level you can get 100% in that base. Attacking a higher town hall can give you more rewards.

15. Heroes never die

The heroes in Clash of Clans are immortal, which means they cannot die. They are the most powerful troops in clash of clans. Instead of dying, heroes like the King, Queen, and Great Guardian get injured and take the time to regenerate their health.

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