Clues that your relationship could be coming to an end

Nobody likes to go through a breakup. A breakup can make you feel betrayed. It hurts and often takes a long time to get over it. A breakup can be especially bad if it comes as a surprise. This often leaves a person confused. So how can a person tell if the relationship they’re in is about to end? There are clues you can look for. These often involve a change in behavior exhibited by your partner.

Here are some common signs that your relationship may be coming to an end:

1. Does your partner avoid your phone calls?

This is an important clue to understand why your relationship might be coming to an end. Let’s face it when you don’t answer your cell phone it’s because you don’t want to talk to that person or organization. So why wouldn’t your partner answer your phone call? It could be that they are romantically involved with someone else.

2. Has your partner become less romantic?

Of course, when you’re lying in bed with your partner and you’re not romantically inclined, it’s a definite sign of the beginning of the end in your relationship. This is especially apparent when there is a general lack of foreplay. In fact, this could mean that they are already romantically inclined towards someone else.

3. Does your partner spend more time with friends?

There is nothing wrong when your partner spends time with their friends. This is the time to play. However, this is a place where they can meet other people of the opposite sex. If your relationship is on the rocks. If she or he is spending more time than usual with friends, this could be a very strong clue to the end of your relationship.

4. You often fight over trivial things.

These situations often mean that the root cause is much bigger problems. It’s okay to discuss things with your partner. Sometimes there will be anger in the discussion. However, a good relationship will be forgiving and able to compromise. But if you and your partner argue over trivial things, you are headed for a possible separation or, worse yet, a divorce.

5. Has your partner become disrespectful to you?

Bad behavior, such as looking at other women or men, could have a definite sign. This is a definite sign of a potential breakout. This is also a sign when a woman starts looking at other men. She will do this to indicate to her man that she is not satisfied with him.

Understanding your relationship with someone is not easy. However, it is worth maintaining this relationship. The first thing to develop is a friendship before you get romantically involved.

Best regards

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