Computer data security: necessity and myth

There is no such thing as 100% protection for your computer. But this does not mean that you cannot prevent unauthorized access to your data.

Once I was talking with my colleagues about security issues and ways in which information can be protected. Our main goal was to understand if the Dekart family products can be used to ensure data access protection. We were talking about the existing software, about the devices available to buyers and about the percentage of security that we can get from these tools available in the modern market so far. We also touched on the other side of protection: your vulnerability. We came to the conclusion that it is not simple to protect information, as there are many developers of well-established (to put it kindly) strategies and methods, whose goal is to know what is valuable to you.

But anyway, there are instructions that we can work on to minimize the risks of unauthorized access to our data. Here they are.

1. If you want to protect your data, it is important to ensure the security of the building (office, home), access and protection. There are many security agencies available in the market, which can be of great help. They have different strategies and protection tools. But since this is not directly related to your computer, we’ll let the specialists in the field tell us about it and move on.

2. Hardware protection. There are many tools available for computer protection, such as physical computer locks, which can be locked through a hole in the desk/object, or can be locked onto a mounting bracket attached to the vertical surface. There are different kits, mostly made up of security cables and padlocks. These anti-theft devices are designed for laptops and PCs, with special requirements adjusted for different models.

3. Limitation of access to computer data. There are tolls and software, which can be used for home and business computer access protection. Multi-factor authentication (with password, PIN code and biometrics) can be used with Dekart Logon software, which can be of great help to store all passwords of Windows machines in a removable storage device and add strong authentication and comfort to Windows standard. login procedure.

4. Information encryption. While we were talking about these topics, we could notice that there is a tool that can protect the data, even if it is stolen, even if the most brilliant hackers are working to find out about it. It’s amazing! We were surprised to learn that any important data can be stored and encrypted with Dekart Private Disk, which is a user-friendly, reliable, user-friendly and smart program. It is of great help in creating encrypted disk partitions (drive letters) to keep private and confidential data safe. It uses the 256-bit advanced encryption standard. So here is a risk-free solution to protect data!

5. Email protection.

6. And the last important thing to keep in mind is that you don’t forget to make sure that you have the same plans for the part of the world that God has in terms of cracks in the earth, tsunami, etc.

Together with our colleagues, we came to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a perfect security environment, although it is absolutely unwise to ignore existing risks and minimize available solutions to this problem. At least we were satisfied with the Dekart products we were testing, so we decided to get Dekart Private Disk and Dekart Logon.

This is not such a difficult subject to understand. We just wanted to encourage you to think about the solutions that exist. Just look for the information and act!

(More information about Dekart login
(More information about Dekart private disk

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