Consider a Beagle for Your Pet: The Pros and Cons

Why you should or shouldn’t choose a beagle as a pet

Beagles may be the happiest dogs out there. They constantly want to play and be active. To ensure that your Beagle is happy and playful, you need to have as much knowledge about this breed as you can. Here’s the good news and some precautionary advice.


Beagles are happy and full of life dogs, charming and playful.

Beagles were bred as hunters and that is when they are happiest. If possible, take them out for rabbit runs, even if you’re not carrying a gun. They will usually chase the rabbit in a circle towards you and won’t get lost.

Beagles can be lapdogs, although they can be a bit big for most laps.

Beagles love children, especially active ones, as they like to run and play.

They are not barkers, but they will let you know if something is not right.

They shed less hair than most other breeds, but you should still brush and bathe them from time to time.

These little guys are cuter than the average dog. People will stop you when you go for a walk with your Beagle.

If you work with the Beagles’ personalities and not against them, you can have a sweet and well-behaved companion.


Beagles have great personalities. By nature, however, they are hunters and use their powerful sense of smell at all times. If they smell something attractive, they will look for it. This means they will come out of an unfenced backyard, or run down the street away from you, not because they are disobedient, not because they are stubborn, but because they are hunting dogs. You must have a fence if you have a Beagle.

Beagles want to be with their humans. They are not dogs that can be left in the backyard for hours. They need a lot of attention and will let you know if you don’t provide it.

This breed can have obesity problems if they are not fed correctly and/or they are not fed nutritionally adequate natural dog food, without additives included.

If food is left within a Beagle’s reach, it will eat it. You should put in a measured amount that they will eat in a reasonable amount of time.

Beagles always have to be on a leash when walking in a populated area.

If you can’t stand howling, don’t buy a Beagle. This is part of their hunting instincts and can be annoying to you and your neighbors. See at the end of the article. How to stop a beagle from howling

Although having a Beagle as a pet has a number of negatives, I think the positives will outweigh them. While they howl at times, there are ways to help stop this. Even his stubbornness when it comes to training can be overcome. If you are the kind of person who can stick to a schedule, stick to a regimen, be patient, long-suffering, and courageous, you can be a wonderful leader for your pet Beagle.

If you’re having a hard time deciding on a pet Beagle, talk to someone who owns one. Do your research on the computer too. I am sure you will be able to find a site where you can get more answers about the pros and cons of having this wonderful pet. If you or your family members are outdoorsy, you won’t find a better companion for roaming the woods or fields.

Don Levy Beagles The American Kennel Club

Don Levy Stop Beagle Howling Ehow website

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