Discover the amazing effects of red clover on depression

depression in menopause

If you’re over 40 and experiencing hormone-related symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and irregular periods, you’ve most likely begun the transition: menopause.

Perimenopause refers to the years leading up to menopause. Most women experience menopausal symptoms a few years before the end of their period.

There are physical and emotional effects of menopause. Common physical complaints include joint pain, sleep disturbances, weight gain, incontinence, and irregular heartbeat.

Emotional problems can be just as scary as physical ones.

Mood swings, irritability, memory lapses, and anxiety are among those that prevent women from living a quality life. Women report feelings of sadness, unhappiness and emptiness.

If these feelings last a long time or are foreign to normal daily life, you may be suffering from depression.

Compared to common anxiety and mood problems, depression during menopause is more severe, lasts longer, and is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats.

Hormonal imbalance is the underlying cause of depression among menopausal women.

The main female hormone, estrogen, goes through a wild dance during this time period. It plays an important role in regulating brain functions, including mood control. Other symptoms of menopause are mainly caused by the imbalance of hormone levels during menopause.

Red clover and depression

One of the most effective ways to treat menopausal depression is to regulate imbalanced hormones with natural supplements.

Red clover has long been considered a very useful herb for regulating hormones and relieving depression, mainly due to its rich content of isoflavones.

Isoflavones are a class of phytoestrogens that can mimic the effects of natural estrogen in the body and thus balance hormone levels. Other sources of isoflavones are soybeans, grains, and vegetables.

But red clover is one of the rich sources and contains 4 kinds of isoflavones, while the most well-known source, soybeans, only contains 2 of them, making red clover a better choice for isoflavone intake.

Red clover has shown positive effects in the treatment of menopausal depression. An Austrian study of 109 menopausal women over the age of 40 found that red clover extract helped reduce anxiety by 76% and depression by 78%.

To get the maximum benefits from red clover, choose a supplement that uses standardized extracts for the best quality and potency.

Menopause supplements that contain a blend of helpful herbs in addition to red clover can treat other symptoms at the same time.

Keep in mind that your lifestyle is also very important in relieving your depression..

Incorporating a 30-minute exercise into your daily routine and eating a balanced, nutritious diet can help reduce the severity of your depression.

To find out which red clover supplements are on the health editors recommended list, visit my website today to find out.

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