Does the amount of water my overweight cat drinks have anything to do with his weight?

Is your cat overweight? Has your cat been drinking more water lately and you’re worried that’s the reason she’s overweight?

An unusual increase in water consumption, particularly by an obese cat, may indicate a chronic disease, such as diabetes.

Water has zero calories, no carbohydrates and no fat. Your cat did not gain weight from drinking water. Unless you add calorie-containing foods to his water, that’s the only way your cat can get heavy from drinking water. If you add sugar to your overweight cat’s water, that could be the culprit. Adding sugar to your obese cat’s water will not only make him overweight but also cause more health problems.

Some cats are genetically “heavy”. Regardless of how much food they eat, they end up heavy. Your fat cat could fall into one of these stockier breeds. You can certainly find out by consulting your vet or doing a quick search online.

One of the main reasons your cat might be overweight is because you are most likely feeding it an unbalanced manufactured food made primarily from corn. You should switch your fat cat to a more balanced food that contains real meat protein, along with fats, carbohydrates in the ideal percentage range of ingredients. And don’t forget about vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients.

It is also possible that you are overfeeding your cat. Could you be eating too much food/calories that you don’t need? If you are in the habit of leaving your food (most likely dry food) out all day, you may be overeating.

Has your eating pattern recently changed? Are you switching from a wet or canned food to drier foods? Dry foods contain about 10% moisture, while canned foods typically contain 70-80% moisture. If you recently added or replaced wet canned foods with dry foods, the increase in dry foods could probably make your fluffball drink more free water. In this case, drinking more free water would be a natural balance of taking in less moisture from your food.

Some cats eat and eat regardless of whether they are hungry or not. I bet your cat eats when he’s bored. You can reduce your food intake by getting the right plate size. Try as much as possible not to put your obese cat on an unbalanced diet by simply cutting calories!

Does your overweight cat exercise constantly? A cat that dozes and lazes around all day is prone to obesity. If he recently added a new toy to play with, or if your thick ball of fluff just discovered a new toy to play with, and his exercise has increased, that’s a good activity. However, he may need additional free water due to his exercise.

Water by itself will not cause weight gain. If your overweight cat is drinking too much water, it could be a sign of more serious problems. Drinking too much water can cause your cat’s kidneys to fail. Other serious issues like thyroid and diabetes could also be the reasons why your heavy cat drinks too much water. On the other hand, drinking more water can be the natural consequence of a lifestyle change.

If you notice any changes in your cat’s behavior, especially her eating habits, you should carefully observe and monitor her. Research online. Consult a veterinarian. A veterinarian will carry out the necessary tests to check if something is wrong.

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