Dogs do the weirdest things – Part 2

This is Part 2 of a two-part article describing some weird and fun things that dogs will do around the house that can amuse you.

Let me reiterate the opening paragraphs of the Part 1 article:

Anyone who has had the pleasure of having a dog in their home must marvel at some of the antics they see every day. I’m giving my age away when I mention that Art Linkletter used to say “Kids say the weirdest things.” good dogs do the strangest things too.

Just think about it: when you’re watching TV and you see a dog being hugged by someone or doing something funny or even silly, you can’t help but smile. Consider the reaction of most patients to a therapy dog ​​in a hospital. You can’t help but be emotional.

So here are some things dogs do that will annoy or amuse you. I hope you enjoy it. By the way, quotes refer to what your dog might be thinking.

  1. Is your dog stubborn to the point of driving you crazy? We had a Basset Hound named Mortie who somehow jumped onto the bed, which was quite a feat with his short legs. However, once in bed, he claimed the pillow as his own and didn’t budget. You could almost hear him say “he’s mine, mine, you hear me, mine!” After a series of dirty looks from Mortie, my wife and I together got him out of bed with almost a hot dog used as a bribe. Who says bloodhounds aren’t smart!

  1. Speaking of beds, if you let your dog sleep with you, he will almost certainly take a spot for himself, usually in the middle, and push you over the edge. And you stand there muttering to yourself and take it!

  1. Dogs don’t know their size. Whether it’s a terrier or a Great Dane, they’ll want to lie on your lap when you’re watching TV, or worse yet, they’ll decide to lay on the couch when it’s empty. “You really do have a comfortable sofa here. Aren’t the chairs for you?”

  1. “Where did that burger go?” you might ask If you left it on the edge of your table within your dog’s reach, it will be gone.

  1. If you want the book on the table to stay dry, never place a glass of liquid near it if you have a dog with an active tail wagging. Sometimes dogs don’t know their own strength.

  1. How often have you had to leave a party or someone’s house early to get home and take the dog out? Dogs somehow know when their normal time to pee before bed is, and being a few minutes late could spell real disaster.

  1. Does your dog like to play in mud puddles and then go inside and shake himself dry? What fun!

  1. Many dogs will choose a favorite person in the family to join as a companion. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love the rest of the family. In my case, our dog Peanut, who is a Morkie (part Yorkshire Terrier and part Maltese), has chosen my wife as her best friend and will follow her anywhere in the house, which can be a real nuisance, especially if you get out of the bathroom half-closed door. Just make sure you don’t step on it.

  1. Dogs don’t know what vacuum cleaners are, they just know they don’t like them. They will either bark to scare you or run away and hide. Some dogs will just lay there and you can almost hear him say “Go ahead, try to get past me, I dare you!”

  1. And last but not least, bring home a gift for mom. Don’t you just love it when your dog comes to the back door and drops the ‘treat’ at your feet? Now you are the owner of a small animal or bird. And your dog just sits there wagging his tail, looking so proud and saying, “Look what I got you, Mom. I love you!”

I hope you have enjoyed these anecdotes. If you have any dog ​​behavior that I haven’t mentioned, please let me know. You can email me with your suggestions at: [email protected] I’d love to hear from you.

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