Economic crisis and financial climate strategy for the general public – Part 1

The current “Global Economic Crisis” is sadly but truly a deliberate tactic by the “US Based” and “US Sanctioned” *Global Corporatocracy*. Each and every “Recession” and ultimately its consequent Big Brother, the “Depression”, is an intentional outcome arising from the three most instrumentally influential organizations on the planet since 1913.

These three organizations are as follows:

– Multinational organizations that make up the “Global Corporatocracy”.

– The “Administration of the United States”, and the “Federal Reserve Bank of the United States”.

– The “Global Corporatocracy” is the most influential of the three, and commands the last two as a puppeteer manipulates the strings of his puppets.

So the chain of command deliberates like this:

The “Global Corporatocracy” controls each “President of the United States” through “Money Control” and brings him to power. They then order the president to request that the “Federal Reserve Bank of the USA” believe, say, 2 trillion dollars. This transaction, of course, is done electronically, which is why the “CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)” does not like “hackers”.

The “U.S. Administration” then he exchanges “Government Treasury Bonds” for this newly created capitol that he has applied to the “Federal Reserve Bank.” Once again, said transaction is carried out through “Electronic Transaction”. This “Money” is then distributed through the “Merchant Banking System” or “Major Financial Institutions” as “New Loans”. Where do they get this “new money” I wonder? Well, the obvious answer to that basic and simple question is: the “Federal Reserve Bank of the USA.” creates it from “Thin Air”.

How does it go through the respective “Financial Institutions” and finally find its way to “YOU”? We will find out in my next article exposing the “Truth” of the System around which we all revolve and involute. The System that forces us to depend on an “Oil Based Economy” that is controlled by the one System that actually cripples us all to varying degrees determined by how dependent we are on it.

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