How can I rock your world in bed? 5 of the best sex tips to make your man explode with pleasure now!

While it may seem like it’s relatively easy to pleasure a man in the bedroom, how do you really know you’re doing a good job? Women can’t always trust whether or not he ejaculates when he orgasms as an indication of pleasure, because sometimes the male orgasm can play tricks on us. Sometimes things are not always what they seem and that is something women need to know.

So what can women do to ensure that they are doing everything they can to please their man in the bedroom? Since sex is such a vital and important part of a relationship, it’s what drives friends and lovers apart, it’s something we need to make sure we’re doing everything in our power to make it better and last longer. Therefore, you want to make sure that he is satisfying all his whims and desires. How do you know you’re doing just that?

Sometimes it is difficult for us to express what we want when it comes to sexual satisfaction. We worry about offending our partner or saying something they may not want to hear. As a result, we end up having mediocre pleasure because they don’t taste any better. This could be what is happening in your situation and you wouldn’t even know it.

To make sure you’re rocking his world in bed, you need to master these 5 super-hot sex tips to have your man absolutely bursting with pleasure tonight. Then, she will know for sure that you are giving him what he wants in bed and that she might even be the first woman to do that for him.

#1 – Give him a show. Men go to strippers for a reason: they like to look at naked women. That’s obvious. So why not bring the show to him? If the idea of ​​a naked woman gyrating on your man doesn’t suit you, then she plays a part and become the only exotic dancer in her eyes. Men are very visual so by giving him a show you will trigger something inside of him and he will be dying to have you. Up the ante and take him further by tying his hands to a chair. The whole “you can look but you can’t touch” angle will drive him crazy and when you let him go, you’ll have to be careful because he’ll go crazy for you.

#2 – Stimulate him before sex. You don’t always have to rely on sex as a means to an end for your man, when there are so many incredibly sexy things you can do for him. The arts of manual stimulation and oral stimulation can really go a long way in the bedroom and don’t always have to be reserved for special occasions. If you can irritate and rev him up before you even make penetration together, you’ll be well on your way to making sure he gets the satisfaction he craves.

#3 – Let it go. All men will agree: there is nothing sexier in the bedroom than a woman who is able to let go and have confidence in herself. If one thing you’re going to wear when you’re intimate with him, make sure it’s her trust. That is the sexiest quality for him. The more you can really let go and lose yourself in the moment with him, the better and harder you’ll rock her world. If turning off the lights or putting on some music is enough for you, go for it. Just make sure you’re comfortable because that’s the key.

#4 – Change it up. As harsh as it is to say, men need constant stimulation or they may start thinking about something else or get lost in a train of thoughts that have nothing to do with sex. Therefore, if you really want to make him explode with pleasure, you have to change him. Try making love in one position and then out of the blue, ask him to do something else. You want to keep him on his toes, and you want him to be excited about what might happen next. This is what keeps you engaged and interested. This is what you need to happen.

#5 – Have fun. This is the most important tip of all. If you’re not enjoying yourself and having fun, he definitely won’t be either. The energy is so great when you are having sex and pleasuring each other, so by being an enthusiastic lover, you will show him that you are having fun, and in turn, he will too. Men often always enjoy themselves sexually, but feel bad when that energy is not reciprocated. Show him that you’re having fun and be yourself with it, because that’s when you’re at your sexiest.

The next time you want to rock your man’s world in the bedroom tonight, be sure to implement some of these tips because they’re sure to set your love life on fire in a whole new way and cement you as the best he’s ever had. .

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