How to detect paranormal activity

If you think you have a presence in your home. Or at least something like a feeling that you can’t explain. It could be some kind of paranormal activity. How do you really know if it’s a ghost? What is the best way to detect the truth behind what could be just a feeling? There are several things that can indicate paranormal activity.

Do you have what paranormal investigators call cold spots in your home? These are pretty self explanatory. If your room is normally at a uniform temperature. Are there areas that feel cold when you walk through them? Can you feel this change when you pass your hand over this place? If this is a true cold spot, it will always be there. Cold spots are areas where ghosts are believed to feed on energy to maintain their own form.

If you have that feeling that we talked about in the first paragraph. So this itself can point to spiritual activity. If there really is no one else in the house, and you still feel that you are not alone. Then you may not be. Our instincts are very powerful and should not be ignored.

This isn’t mentioned as much, but I think it’s just as important in detecting paranormal activity. Sometimes a ghost or spirit can, through their own past experiences, change the mood in a room where they have a presence. If your own mood changes suddenly. If you get excited when you felt happy moments before. This may indicate a ghostly presence. Especially if this happens in the same place in the house on a constant basis. Also, the mood swing can be happy or aggressive. It would depend on the direct history of the ghost.

Quite often, you may find objects appearing in places that you know shouldn’t be there. Some items may disappear for a while and then show up in a completely different place in the house. If this is something you are experiencing, it almost certainly points to paranormal activity. Unless, of course, someone is playing a trick on you.

All of the above may point to ghostly activity. This is not a complete list. For example, the behavior of pets can often be the result of some presence in the house. Animals seem to be more sensitive to the paranormal than we are. Be on the lookout for a dog or cat that won’t enter a certain room. Sometimes it comes back to that feeling in the stomach, but all of the above is cause for further investigation.

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