How to have joy even if you are unhappy

I once heard a comedian joke about the idiomatic misuse of words by English speakers. Ironically, he spent about fifteen minutes offering some very clever examples. For example, he pointed out that we call goods transported by sea CARGO, but those same goods transported by land are called SHIPment.

He then asked the rhetorical question “why do we park at DRIVEways”? She had the audience in stitches as she ran through a list of oxymorons and out-of-place words. She received a riot of laughter and a huge round of applause as she deftly spoke about how we often use words in contrasting contexts.

Christians are not exempt from making similar mistakes when it comes to words in the Bible. Sometimes, without realizing it, we can misuse words without even realizing it. For example, many use the words “soul” and “spirit” interchangeably in places where there is absolutely no similarity in their application. Others do not allow the word “wine” to be used for both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Still others confuse the words “Nazarite” and “Nazarene” when speaking of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It’s true that these types of “slips” are usually nothing more than innocent goofs during casual conversation and don’t really hurt anyone. It is not necessary to defend the corrections of every misuse of a biblical word or term when we are simply conversing with other people.

However, there are times when correction is warranted and we need to take a stand and speak up. Sometimes the misunderstanding of a word(s) can have an adverse impact on someone’s personal Christian experience without even knowing it.

It is the responsibility of a discerning brother or sister to help a younger Christian more fully understand the components and benefits of their faith. A good example of this would be the commonly accepted use of the two words “joy” and “happiness.” We use them interchangeably without much thought.

It is true that since both words represent a positive state of mind, it is easy to assume that they both have a similar meaning. Who hasn’t used the term “jumped for joy” to express their happiness? Besides, who has not understood what the person who made that statement meant?

On a practical level, the use of either word to describe positive emotions is acceptable. Communication takes place when both parties understand and there are no misunderstandings when we use those words on a practical level. However, a closer examination of the use of these words in the Scriptures gives us a better understanding of their intended meaning, particularly for the Christian.

To the born again believer, these words can never mean the same thing. We can still use both with impunity to express how we feel, but when it comes to expressing our faith and understanding what we have in Christ Jesus, the two should never be confused.

Happiness is an emotion. is reactive When good things happen to us we are happy. On the contrary, when bad things happen, we are not happy. Therefore, happiness is fleeting. It comes and goes depending on the circumstances in our lives. It is a reaction to those circumstances.

Joy can also be labeled as an emotion, but it is not reactive, at least not according to scripture. Joy is enduring and unchanging in the life of the Christian, not fleeting like happiness. In addition to being the second attribute of the fruit of the Spirit revealed in Galatians chapter 5, we are told in James 1:2 (KJV):

“My brethren, count it all joy when you find yourselves in various temptations.”

If you put two Christians together, they can usually find some small topic to argue about, but when it comes to the subject of temptations or trials, I think everyone agrees that this aspect of the Christian experience is nothing. nice. I have never heard any of my brothers in the faith say “I am so glad that God has allowed this adversity to come into my life.”

The truth is that trying times are not happy times. We accept them without complaining, because we know that the Lord is working in our life and he can only come out of it. Despite that assurance, the fact remains that we are not happy during testing times. Happiness pauses, but joy remains.

Does this verse from James tell us to be happy during our trial? No, it’s not. In fact, by encouraging us to be joyful through trial, the verse actually acknowledges that trial makes us unhappy. The real message is that even though we may not be happy because of the circumstances we find ourselves in, we can still have joy.

Happiness depends on the circumstances of our life. Joy is not. Joy is something we have no matter what happens in our life, good or bad. Happiness is something we project when we feel good. Joy comes from our relationship with Jesus Christ.

We have joy in our reconciliation with God through his Son the Lord Jesus Christ. We have joy because of all the promises of God in Christ Jesus. We have joy because nothing can ever change our new relationship with God. Consequently, our joy is constant and unchanging.

We can be happy and joyful at the same time, but more importantly, when life’s circumstances hit us hard, we can be joyful but unhappy.

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