How to let go when your dog dies

Some people choose to make a memorial donation to soften their impact on their dog’s death. Grief is a natural reaction since we are so close to our dog and they are so special that they become our human companion. When the bond is created, the feeling of loss can be a big problem. Some people might just say “he’s just a dog”. Support and encouragement are always needed when such a death occurs.

There are several stages that we can go through due to the sudden death of our dog, such as denial. The next stage will be the negotiation. People tend to hope their dog will bounce back with statements that use IF. “If Skippy recovers, I’ll never skip his usual ride.” We may feel angry at one point, but eventually it turns into guilt. Again, we might tend to blame someone by saying, “You never cared for Skippy. You never love him. He’s gone, are you happy now?” Now we come to the stage of true sadness and grievance. The dog is gone and we are left with the void. Once again, the support of family and friends is the most important thing, but unfortunately it is very difficult to find, since people without pets tend not to understand. You can seek out a professional counselor or your pet’s veterinarian, which is also helpful.

Share your feelings with your counselor, cry and explain. Sometimes physical exercise and meditation help, as the areas of the body are most affected when you are sad and stressed. Crying and letting it go is always a good way to release the pain. You may also want to find a group or person who can share in this long-term death.

Write your own diary, explode everything and don’t stay at home. Have your friends come or visit, laughter is also another good medicine to avoid thinking too much about death. Some people try to keep busy, but remember, you have to go through this stage, but if you keep avoiding death, it won’t help.

Because your loss is important, remember to support others who are also experiencing the same loss. When you’re ready, you need a new resolution. Visit your relatives or friends who have dogs and play with them. Learn to accept other dogs and one day you might be ready to find a new companion.

If you have a problem, such as your other pet crying over your loss as well, you may show symptoms like searching for the lost pet, refusing to eat, staying in bed, etc. a grieving pet also needs extra care and attention.

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