Inner peace and happiness come from the desire of the hearts

Today is a day worth remembering

When doubts, self-destructive tendencies, self-blocks cloud the truth that lies in our hearts, we become less communicative with our voices and begin a long and arduous path of detachment and emotional shock.

While we use our brain to live each day, which is often influenced by our environment, no one else can manipulate our hearts. Our brain is a wonderful faculty that has been given to us to recognize that we can learn from our experiences, as lessons to live in this life.

In the same way, we use our eyes to see and our hands to touch, both of which need to remember. Likewise, our heart needs to remember to improve the connection with our truth. Our brain can choose what we want to believe, but when we properly use our heart’s ease to connect all that is needed is given.

heart’s desire

Living to your heart’s desire will never hide from you as it knows the truth of who you are. For years it has been said that we must follow our hearts.

Your heart knows your true self, the spark of your truth, and it is ever present and patiently waiting for you to recognize what is being given to you for free.

You are blessed with this creation which is the key to your true self. The spirit the spark that provides us with the connection with our truth. Every day, every experience, every word spoken, every emotion we feel centers us within our “truth” of who we are. It gently nudges us or sometimes gives us no choice but to pursue our rediscovery of our true selves.

To begin to awaken the heart is to begin to understand the consciousness of the heart. It does not require work; it takes remembering, we just have to remember to turn our intention and awareness towards our heart where so many beautiful things will be brought to you, such as lightness, calm, peace, happiness and joy beyond all the things you probably forgot.

When you open your heart, in its depth, there is a knowing and a familiarity, even though you may never have studied or followed this path before.

Shakyamuni Buddha taught “Calm is within you, do not look outside of yourself. However, one does not have to be a Buddha to see how those who persecute the world succeed in their endeavor to be happy and peaceful.

Some may find it difficult to awaken the heart, often impossible if you are seeking wealth. You can achieve success and material goods, but serenity and happiness will always be in front of you, out of reach.

All the courses, books and tapes listened to act as great facilitators and tools; but, they will never take the place of what you know within yourself. Your heart has always been there for you. It has never left you and will always remain with you.

Exercise Time: Awakening the Consciousness of the Heart

• Place your right hand in the area centered on your heart.

• Shift your attention to this area of ​​your body and consciously connect with your heart.

• Allow the energy to flow in and out.

• Chill out

• Smile to your heart

• Surrender

What is different about this connection? You don’t have to think about it. The connection is so natural that it resonates without conflict. The heart simply “IS”. There is no conflict between the mind and the heart.

KNOWLEDGE takes control. Tranquility is at hand. Your heart’s desire brings to your consciousness guiding you. Listen, trust, allow and let go.

Heart-centered awareness is our path to a much greater human shift into a new way of being. As you practice and continue to experience heart-centered awareness, you will be far removed from stress where burdens turn to joy.

This is the true connection that keeps you centered. Staying in the consciousness of your heart externally affects every decision, every thought, every activity… you will no longer be making decisions separate from your heart. Instead, it all begins and ends within the center of your heart.

The heart is a bridge between the earthly and spiritual levels of human consciousness.

Awakening the Heart is where the spiritual awakening occurs, permanently changing the point of view of reality.

Once we see and experience this expanded realm of heart consciousness, it enhances our views and life skills where we shed negative attitudes and perceptions.

The energy of the heart is the energy of love.

The Heart knows no other. All we have to be is love.

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