Interview with the author of Queen Klutz

For those of you who love to laugh, Marti Lawrence of Grain Valley, Missouri will make you laugh for a minute with her new humor book entitled “Queen Klutz.” Follow her as she has an unusual experience at the DMV, find out how a McDonald’s potato chip cost her $ 2,000.00 Meet her wacky kids and find out how she deals with two broken ankles and a house full of cats. It’s the funnest real life and will make you laugh out loud with every turn of the page.

Leeuna: Martí, how did you come up with the title of “Reina Klutz”?

Marti: My family has always called me The Royal Klutz because I am horribly clumsy. The first thing a cousin of mine said when she met my husband was, “Is he still clumsy?”

Leeuna: How long have you been a writer?

Marti: “I have been writing humorous articles since I was on the staff of my high school newspaper (in the Neolithic). I always sent family and friends funny stories in letters, and when I learned to use the Internet, I discovered message boards, and I left long narrative posts for strangers to read. Kind (and sometimes drunk) friends suggested that I try to write an Erma Bombeck-style newspaper column, so I started freelancing. Some of the essays in the book are previous columns, some are blog posts and some are material that I wrote specifically for the book. “

Leeuna: What was the most difficult for you about writing the book?

Marti: “Editing was challenging because my family didn’t want to end up in the witness protection program. I think they were afraid that I would reveal their deepest and darkest secrets. Which was silly. That’s the next book.”

“Of course I think everyone will love it! * Laugh * Anyone who is clumsy can feel empathy. I think parents will enjoy the stories because many of them include not killing our children when they do something horrible like setting the garden on fire or wrecking your car. The stories are about the things that people put up with every day: car problems or visits to the DMV. I think putting a fun spin on these things can make it easier for everyone. “

Leeuna: Was it difficult to publish your book? Can you tell us a little about the process?

Marti: “I’m publishing through Lulu, an on-demand publishing company. The hardest thing for me was setting up my file to convert to PDF. I was in full control, which was a good thing, but all the responsibility, which was a difficult thing. “

“Formatting the Word document with headers, footers, justified margins, and page breaks was something I’ve never done before, and that was difficult! But Lulu herself has been great! I asked a lot of questions on the forums and some times from Live Help, and I always got good responses. Actually the guys at Live Help laughed quite a few times! I bought a draft to see what the book would really look like and found out that I had made a lot of mistakes. “

“I modified the material and sent it through the process again. I was satisfied with the second copy, so I put it on the market. Lulu offers authors the option of selling only through their storefront or buying a global distribution plan. which includes a galley proof of your book. When you approve the galley, you are assigned an ISBN and barcode, allowing it to be distributed through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc. Overall, it has been a great learning experience for this old lady! “

Leeuna: Where can people buy the book?

Marti: “For now, I sell it through my Lulu online store at Personally signed copies can be ordered directly.

For those who love to laugh and enjoy good solid writing, Marti Lawrence’s “Queen Klutz” is the recipe for a complete laugh buffet.

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