INXS ‘Michael Hutchence – Compatibility with Paula Yates and Paula with Bob Geldof

Here’s a quick rundown of his numerology / astrology:

Birthday: January 22, 1960

Being a rock star and living that kind of lifestyle is perfectly suited to your life path number (3) and expression number (1). 3 and 1 have to do with expression and creativity (3), and being bold, a leader (1). People turning 22 are generally gifted with special tendencies toward leadership and inspiration.

But he also has soul number 4 and personality 6, which is totally at odds with this and will have created considerable conflict within himself. 4 and 6 want order and domestic happiness, and it is directly opposite to the childish and scattered energies of the 3.

Their Astrology also collides seriously with the 4 and the 6. Aquarians are unique, with a strong need for freedom, not to be tied, facing the need for structure of the 4 and harmony in relationships and the home of the 6. ¿ What a mix!

Paula Yates compatibility

Numerology by Paula Yates, Numerology by Michael Hutchence

April 24, 1959 – 7 – liabilities Jan 22, 1960 – 3 – liabilities


– – – – -99 – – 6 – 9

2 – 5 – – – 22 – – –

1 – 44 – – 11 – – –

Paula’s Numerology:

Paula was a Life Path 7 and therefore would be a thinker, a seeker of truth. Despite appearances, she would be quite introverted and have a rich inner life. The life of a 7 can be marked by easy success, things come relatively easily to them, and they are often uninterested in practical matters and down-to-earth. They will be independent and long for solitude at times. Your life path will contain many situations that are opportunities to explore deeper issues and question yourself, allowing you to develop your judgment and perspective. These situations can be happy or sad, sometimes arduous or even unfair, causing them to rebel and isolate themselves from society instead of asking for help. They need to stay calm and use their intelligence and knowledge to be successful in the outside world.

Paula also has passive characteristics.

Passive 7: Skeptic, inferiority complex, cynical, cold; thinks more than acts; reserved, prone to emotional withdrawal.

Paula Elizabeth Yates, Michael Kelland John Hutchence

Life path number: 7 – passive Life path number: 3 – passive

Expression number: 11/2 Expression number: 1

Personality number: 7 Personality number: 6

Soul number: 4 Soul number: 4

They have the same soul number (4), which is an important number in numerology to be compatible, but the other numbers are less compatible. Your life path numbers (7 and 3) are less compatible, but it depends.

3 and 7 is an interesting combination because this relationship could end in a matter of weeks or remain powerful and exciting for life. 3 has a restless and unconventional energy, eager to exploit the limits of creativity. 7 is much more serious, looking for deeper truths, but at the same time it also has an unconventional streak. Although they have different needs and different ways of finding happiness, they are not necessarily incompatible. Being both unconventional, they can also give themselves something that they would not find in themselves.

Their numbers of expression and personality are at least complementary (2 to 1 and 7 to 6) but not especially compatible. The number of your life path is also at odds with your own expression and the number of your soul. As we know, Michael’s numbers are not particularly compatible with him either. Michael’s 1 and 3 are compatible, as are 4 and 6, but they are not compatible with each other. The two 7s of Paula are compatible and also her expression is not. 2 and soul no. 4, but they are not compatible with each other (7 with 2 or 4).

Astrological compatibility:

Taurus (Paula) – Aquarius (Michael)

You both can have a stubborn streak that will make you want to resist and dig your toes so hard it hurts.

Taurus are fabulous, but on a bad day, a Bull (Paula) can be as stubborn as a mule, and an Aquarius (Michael), who is usually full of fun, can take a fun turn and be as heavy as lead. . When both of you oppose something, the world could collapse around you and you wouldn’t even move!

Neither of us likes to give in. And that’s pretty much the only area where they will have anything in common. They will both be very loyal, and if they have a firm foundation for their adventure, they will glue like glue to each other through thick and thin.

So I would say there is some compatibility, but mostly incompatible.

A reading that includes Paula Yates would not be complete without seeing her compatibility with Sir Bob Geldof.

Paula Yates and Bob Geldof Compatibility

Paula Elizabeth Yates Sir Bob Geldof

Life path number: 7 – passive Life path number: 22/4 – passive

Expression number: 11/2 Expression number: 1

Personality number: 7 Personality number: 3

Soul number: 4 Soul number: 7

Astrology: Taurus Astrology: Libra

The first thing to keep in mind is that Sir Bob has a 22-year track record, and therefore will also have special leadership and inspirational qualities (more so than Michael turning 22, not a life track).

Now, at first glance, the numbers of his life trajectories seem to be completely at odds: 7 (which deals with mysticism and higher education), with 4 (which deals with structure, stability and feet on the ground). Opposite ends of the spectrum. However, life path numbers 7 and 4 can be strangely compatible, if you can learn to compromise.

It is also interesting that Paula is a Taurus, who is an earth sign, and will provide some balance to the ever-thinking mind, and he is Libra, an air sign (the opposite of earth), who will provide some balance to her offspring. . down to earth practicality. So each one has a balance of earth and air, earth and sky. And look at the number of your souls, again, 4 and 7, but opposite to your life path numbers …

So they both have 7’s and 4’s in their numbers, just in different areas. They are both passive too.

Astrological compatibility:

Taurus (Paula) – Libra (Bob)

Because they are both ruled by Venus, there is a lot of harmony between them that could be described as heavenly!

The planet of love, Venus, will have an effect on each sign but in different directions. Taurus (Paula) are one of the Earth signs, so Venus will make them more tactile. But because Libras belong to the air signs (Bob), they will be lighter, with more charming and attractive shapes. They are like peaches and cream!

So, on the one hand, Paula is a 7 and all airy and light, unconventional and with fairies, but she is also a Taurus, who is from the earth, which should give her some stability and rootedness. On the other hand, Bob is a 4 lifepath, who is very grounded and earthy, but a Libra, who is an air sign. So again, this pair has counterbalance qualities. Which is an interesting mix.

However, the basic incompatibility in their life paths numbers 4 and 7 (they may be attracted to each other, but there is a fundamental difference between 4 and 7) must have made it too difficult for them to live together or at least stay. together in a relationship.

And maybe Bob did not show Paula enough attention and the calm harbor of the storm of life as she would have liked, being busy with her various important projects (22 are such important and busy builders in life), and so she sought comfort in the arms of another, with sadly disastrous consequences …

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It really helps to know your numerology / astrology and your compatibility with others. Forewarned is forewarned, as they say. Why live life without it?

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