Labor Day Sermons You Can Preach This Year

Labor Day sermons help the congregation understand the biblical interpretation of work. In our current culture, we don’t appreciate the value of service as we should. We are too busy playing our iPads or golfing to bother with work! While there is certainly a place for entertainment and relaxation, most Christians do not understand that there is a biblical view of work and service that we should follow. God wants us to glorify Him in everything we do, but most people don’t understand exactly how that works. The Labor Day holiday weekend is the perfect opportunity to preach a sermon on serving others. Here are some topics you could preach on on Labor Day weekend:

Service attitude

Many Christians have a negative attitude about work. They are happy and content on Sunday morning, but they become totally different people on Monday morning! We would all like to work less, but most people have the wrong view of jobs and service. They do not see how their work and their service in their work can be a ministry. Jesus has called all of us to a life of service, and part of that service is serving our employer in our work. Labor Day sermons are a good time to discuss the correct biblical attitude about service in your work.

Job is a blessing from God

Our work is a blessing from God. Losing a job and loss of income can turn into a nightmare. Ask any disabled person who can’t work and see how they like not working. Not having a job sounds like fun for a while, but it’s no fun if you can’t pay your bills. No matter how difficult your job is, your career is still a blessing from the Lord. Be sure to thank the Lord for the work He has provided for you.

Joseph’s faithful service to his country

The story of Joseph in the book of Genesis is one of the earliest examples of work and service in the Bible. Joseph’s faithful service as a slave led him to become second in command in Egypt, but he never forgot his family even after his brothers sold him into slavery. José could have easily used his power to punish his family for what they did to him, but José loved his family and served them.

The importance of Saturday

You can also recognize the importance of Saturday on Labor Day weekend. Genesis 2: 2 tells of how God finished his work and rested on the seventh day. If we want our work to be truly blessed by God, we must rest on the seventh day. Our current society has trained us to believe that work happens from 9 to 5 every day, and then we have the rest of the day off! Labor Day weekend is a good time to remind the congregation that work is done six days a week and not 40 hours a week, and you should still take time off on Sundays. Labor Day sermons are a good time to discuss the importance of keeping the Sabbath in our lives.

The Labor Day holiday is a good time to discuss the biblical view of service. If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas for your next sermon, be sure to read some of the great sermons you can find online. It’s very easy to complain about our jobs and the economy, but Labor Day sermons can help Christians appreciate all they have.

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