Organic dog food: pros and cons

Pet owners who want the best for their dogs often choose organic food over regular food, but is this really the right choice? Should pet owners like you rely solely on commercials for big pet food brands or should you consider choosing a more organic diet for your dog?

There are several advantages and disadvantages of organic food that every concerned dog owner should be aware of. If you are concerned about the well-being of your dog, it is important that you weigh the pros and cons of your choice.


The most obvious advantage is the nutritional quality of the food itself. Commercial pet food brands commonly use something known as “filler” ingredients, which are additives and preservatives that you definitely won’t find in organic dog food. When your dog eats organic food, he is much more likely to adequately absorb all the nutrients and minerals compared to standard dog food.

Second, organic dog food is packed with vitamins like: vitamin E, vitamin C, and many others. Common pet foods often lack important vitamins and nutrients.

So why is it important?

The nutritional and vitamin profile of your dog’s food can have a significant impact on your dog’s stamina and energy level. A good diet of organic dog food can also improve their resistance to allergies, illnesses and diseases in general.

Organic food is also generally free of harmful and dangerous by-products, which can be dangerous to your pet’s health.

An article in the Daily Mail talks to various nutrition experts on the subject. These experts claim that many large pet food brands sell food that is not suitable for dogs. They say that the foods produced by these big brands can shorten your dog’s lifespan by up to a year.


Because you’re paying for higher-quality ingredients, organic dog food (and any organic food, for that matter) will definitely end up costing more. On average, each healthy organic meal will end up costing about a dollar more per serving.

Another disadvantage of organic dog foods is that they are much less available than most commercial dog foods. Where you can easily find commercial food at your local grocery store, you may need to search online or in specialty pet stores to find good organic food for your dog.

Finally, organic food has not been scientifically proven to be better for your dog than regular commercial food. However, studies have shown that a high-quality diet plays an important role in cardiovascular, bone and joint health and helps prevent disease.

What should I do for my dog?

Every dog ​​owner should think carefully about these pros and cons. Many people assume (incorrectly) that the big brands on television are the best food you can get for your dog.

Unfortunately, this is simply not true. As a responsible dog owner, you need to pay attention to the individual ingredients of whatever you are feeding your pets to ensure that there is nothing harmful to their health.

If you love your dog and want to make that extra investment to keep him healthy, we recommend choosing healthy, high-quality foods. In the long term, this will result in reduced health costs and a better quality of life for your dog.

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