Party With Celebs – How to enter the club’s VIP room for free

Who can resist the allure of the party behind the velvet rope? But for those of us without celebrity status, cash to splash, or good promoter connections, getting into the VIP room can be a difficult feat. Lucky for you, I’ve spent the last eight years mastering the art of getting into the VIP room. My tactics have been proven time and time again, in the most exclusive clubs across the country. Follow these simple steps and you’ll be bumping elbows with Diddy, Kim Kardashian, Lindsay Lohan, and Chris Brown in no time.

1. Look sexy! You’ll have to do this to get past the scrutinizing club bouncers. Carefully select your clothes, shoes, hairstyle, shoes, accessories and scent. It is not enough to be physically attractive. You have to look like you belong in the VIP room. This does not mean that you should go overboard. Sometimes, less is more. Check out sites like,,, and to see what kind of looks your favorite celebs rock when they’re out on the town. Of course, stars may break the dress code that some clubs have, so be careful to check the website of the club you’re going to and make sure the club doesn’t have any restrictions that could lock you out. cold.

2. If you’ve never been to the club before, look for it as soon as you walk in. Find out where the VIP areas are (sometimes there will be more than one), and what the real VIP areas are, the areas where the beautiful people and celebrities will be, not just local partygoers celebrating birthdays with their friends. Find out which gorillas are guarding the area and if people who are allowed into the area are wearing wristbands.

3. If people wear wristbands, try to find out who the promoters are. They usually carry bracelets with them and can often be found at the door (or somewhere nearby) if you get to the club reasonably early. If you can’t figure it out, ask someone who has a bracelet where they got it from, or ask a bouncer. Once you identify the promoters (or whoever is handing out the wristbands), approach them and ask if you can have one. you never know They might give it to you, which will make your night that much easier. That’s how I got my first VIP wristband at a nightclub in DC The good thing is that once promoters saw me with a wristband that night, they started giving me them almost every night I want to go out. Remember, the key to this is looking like you belong in the VIP room. If it looks like you belong there, people will assume you do.

4. If you can’t get a wristband, you’re going to have to wear your charm/sexy clothes. Get to the VIP lounge before it gets too crowded. This is very important. If the VIP lounge is already crowded, it can be difficult for people who actually have wristbands to get in. So make sure you grab your chance before it gets too crowded and before the main celebrities arrive.

Now, you can take one of the following two approaches.

Approach #1. Approach the doorman, give him a sexy smile, and try casually walking into the room. I know it sounds silly, but 75 percent of the time, the goalkeeper lifts the rope for me. Now, you have to prepare yourself for the possibility of being arrested, an experience I have endured and of course it never feels good, especially if people watch. If you’re feeling particularly hot, smile at her and ask if you can come in. If not, back off, walk away for about 20 minutes, and try the second approach described below (or keep an eye out for a possible “shift change.” You may have more success with a different rebounder).

Approach #2. Wait until the doorman lifts the velvet rope to let in a large group of people, preferably with several attractive girls. He finds a way to blend you in with his crowd and walk with them. The key to this is to move quickly and discreetly.

5. If none of the approaches described above work, try getting to know the doorman as the night goes on. Find out his name and where he is from. Act like you’re interested in him as a person, not just like walking into the VIP room. Ask him if he needs you to bring him water or something. Be prepared though: most bouncers are used to these types of tricks and may not be willing to entertain your conversation. But the offer of water should set you apart from the other girls trying to get in.

6. Once inside, enjoy it! The VIP party is much better than the general population party! But be careful. Once you become VIP, you can never go back!


• I have found it easier to get into VIP lounges when I am alone.

• If you’re going out with a group of girls, make sure everyone follows these steps, especially Step 1. One weak link in the group will destroy your chances of getting in, even if you’re hot.

• Use the restroom and have a cool drink before entering the VIP room. Some VIP areas will have restrooms and bars, but others will not. If you don’t have a wristband, you shouldn’t risk walking out of the lounge, so you’ll want to come in properly prepared.

• Once inside, don’t watch or start unsolicited conversations with celebrities. For one thing, you don’t want to look like a novice. On the other hand, if you annoy a celebrity, you may be asked to leave the VIP area.

• Talk to people while you are in the VIP room. Most of them will be there legitimately, and if you make the right friend, especially a promoter friend, you may not need to use this item to get in next time!

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