Prevent hacking

Prevent piracy

The most important step that hackers have taken is not only using operating systems, but also using people and their resources to hack. I will tell you step by step the procedure to safeguard our resources. There are several ways that hackers can attack: using the operating system, using your firmware from wi-fi or network services, and also through your smartphones. Let’s start –

Safeguarding your personal PC suite

1. You have to be up to date to fight pirate viruses. To do this, you should periodically check for the latest important Windows updates. It is up to you whether you choose to install optional updates or not.

Install updates regularly

2. Also keep your favorite browser updated.

3. Next, configure a Windows administrative password or a Windows login password.

Don’t keep your password constant, keep changing it regularly.

I. First, go to the start menu and click on the top right image.

ii. And then choose the desired option for the password.

Change, delete or add a password

4. Each disease has an antidote, so there is an antivirus for each virus. Try to buy the antivirus software of your choice or you can also download the software from the Internet. I recommend buying an antivirus with a legal activation key.

Choose your desired antivirus

5. Securing your operating system is just as important as protecting your web browser and emails. Delete all your emails that you don’t find useful or from unknown sources. Also avoid giving your personal data to unknown or less trusted websites.

Note: Never click on an emailed link that seems questionable. It could be a virus.

Never open it

Safeguarding your Smartphone

Hackers have various ways of sifting through your personal data and getting up to speed as quickly as possible.

Let’s start –

1. First of all, keep a backup of all your important calls, messages, emails, etc. on your PC, tablet, etc. Don’t let your personal data be at risk.

Quick backup

2. Protect every drop of your data with strong passwords. And never forget your passwords.

A world with a password

3. Don’t let anyone touch your phone to accept the one you want or your family members.

4. Don’t set passwords on your mobile phone numbers, birthday dates, or even anniversary dates.

5. Don’t keep your bluetooth on even for a second. Use private sharing tools or use built-in sharing apps.

6. Antivirus isn’t just for PCs. Many antiviruses come with versions for both PC and mobile devices.

Note: You can avoid getting hacked by following these simple and practical steps. These are not just for those users who read my blog. It’s for everyone, so at least share this content with your circle of friends to avoid security breach. Why –

“You have to learn the rules of the game

And then you have to play better than anyone “

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