Punch It: going for it is the solution to everything

Everyone has something they really want. However, sometimes the things that hold us back are better seen than the forces that push us forward. I say this: the ultimate impetus is within ourselves and we need to “knock” it forward to embrace what we really want in existence and life. With those first fifty words in those first sentences, I begin this article. Seeming reality can hold you back, but if you really want what you want, there’s nothing really holding you back except realistically yourself. I am saying look for yourself your genuine goals in life and existence and you will find them.

Sure, you could make that language prettier and less “in situ”. However, the biggest goals are achieved on the spot and under the best and greatest pressure to be achieved by anyone who is genuinely ready. After all, fate never calls us at the time of our choosing. He calls us when he is ready for our growth and understanding to start working. I know what I’m writing about, because I was recently challenged from a comfortable position on certain things that called me to grow. All I could do was jump into growth with both feet and “hit it hard” doing the moves I’m ready to do without hesitation. Most of the time, the actions that we need to take are so and very immediately necessary, while the actions that we want to take, we can take with ease. Think about the last sentence for a moment. That is the unvarnished reality and the honest truth that cannot be changed in any way. It is immediate and you have to act and if you act well, the better.

Successful reality comes down to what works. A failed fantasy comes down to what is wanted, but is not meant to be achieved. I have a friend who wanted to be a pilot when he was young, but his life took a completely different direction and instead of genuinely accepting the different direction, he just went through horrible changes and frustrations in life. But the way I see things, optimal survival is success, it works, and it’s a successful reality that needs to happen. That’s what it all really comes down to, what really works, not so much what is “wanted, desired and dreamed of”. In fact, I can honestly end this: if done successfully, what you need may genuinely be what you want if the right actions are taken well. Do your best to bring whatever you can bring, and rest assured that what you need will be what you want.

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