There is no such thing as an honest mistake – think negligence, responsibility and integrity

Have you ever heard someone make the excuse that it was an honest mistake? Did you ever consider that excuse irrelevant due to the amount of damage it caused or the challenges it created? You see, I have, and as a former franchise founder, I never really bought into that excuse. If something goes wrong, or someone makes an honest mistake, you need to step up and correct the mistake you made. Simply presenting that excuse does not absolve them of responsibility, unfortunately there are far too many people who disagree with this line of reasoning in my belief system.

You see, I don’t think there is such a thing as an honest mistake, as it usually involves negligence, incompetence, lack of responsibility, or lack of integrity in ensuring that the results go as planned and do not lead to unacceptable unintended consequences. . If we allow our society to continually choose not to take responsibility using some kind of excuse, or worse, push that responsibility onto someone else, claiming it’s their fault, that it was just an honest mistake, then in essence what we’re doing it is by rewarding incompetence and neglect, and by allowing irresponsible behavior.

This would not be an honorable or noble thing to do, so in most cases, people should accept responsibility for the mistakes they make, honest or not. Another interesting comment along this line of thought is that it seems to me that many things that are passed off as honest mistakes are not honest at all, in fact the individual presupposes that he can waive responsibility should something else happen. of what was intended, and therefore did not work very hard to see that everything turned out correctly.

In other words, it was calculated in advance that the individual could use the blame game to blame another person for his honest bet, or relieve himself of the guilt in the future, instead of working hard to do whatever it took to make sure. that no error occurred in the first place. Finally, I have noticed that too many people use this excuse. It always seems to be the same people who have found value in calling something “an honest mistake” and therefore use this technique and tactic over and over again.

Yes, you’ve probably also heard the saying; “everyone’s entitled to make an honest mistake” I’m saying nonsense already to that, plus “an honest mistake” in that particular quote is a mistake, “a” non-constant mistake, calling them honest, because at that point, they’re’ t.

In fact, no one has a right to anything in the natural world, and there are consequences for making mistakes, and the sooner you accept them and make them part of your rational decision-making, the better you will be at whatever you do. and less friction will cause because you will make fewer mistakes along the way.

Take responsibility for what you do and I hope you will consider all of this and think about it.

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