Those energetic aspects of Mars / Uranus: it gets smoother in middle age

Combining keywords for Mars and Uranus, we get evocative combinations that give a sense of the range of possibilities of the aspects: visionary pioneer; inventive adventurer; hasty innovator; Bold eccentric; brilliant leader; unconventional competitor; Bold outlaw; angry iconoclast; explosive athlete; Exciting challenger; smart warrior; and aggressive nonconformist.

As you can see, these are not likely to be ordinary people, but they are extraordinary, and they will surely be noticed, whether for their actions or misdeeds. Many Uranians carry a kind of electrical charge that makes them nervous and excitable, and the Uranus variety from Mars can have an excess of physical and sexual tension that begs to be channeled into constructive outlets. When the tension has no outlet or when the hidden individuals of Mars-Uranus encounter resistance to their impulses or desires, they can express anger in an explosive way. Whether they are prone to doing so verbally or physically depends on the overall astrological picture: Mars in an air sign, for example, is more inclined to verbal outbursts of a caustic nature, while Mars in a fire sign might need a reaction. more physical or sexual outlet.

For Uranian types like motorcyclists, outlaws or radicals, the “enemy” is often seen as the authorities or society as a whole. Mars adds a distinctive flavor of fighting, or even outright combativeness. Reckless provocateurs among themselves may aggressively defy authority or the norm. There are many things in the world today that need to be challenged and yet their way of doing it often makes their hair stand on end as they can be provocative and arrogant, trying to bring about change through conquest instead. of the agreement.

The conjunction muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu conjunction but in 2003: parents, grandparents and educators will wonder about children born under the conjunction Mars-Uranus in Pisces during 2003. It was within an 8 ° orb from mid-June to mid-October – a unusually long time – -due to the retrograde and direct movements of both planets. (The previous conjunctions in Pisces in 1922, 1924 and 1926 did not last more than two weeks each.) Those who came on board from August to October 2003 also have Jupiter in early Virgo, opposing – and inflating – this combination. A final indication of how remarkable this celestial event must be is that Mars was closer to Earth at that time than it had been in thousands of years.

According to the long-range census statistics from the National Center for Health Statistics, the birth rate consistently forms a large increase from May to October each year, so there were a lot of babies born with this aspect. A rough estimate would be that 1.5 million children were born in the US alone with this combination. Imagine the kindergarten classrooms of 2008, crowded with baby Mars-Uranus cyclists bouncing off the walls. We haven’t seen hyperactives yet! Elementary school staff may want to start rethinking their career path or investing in shin guards. I can’t help but believe, given the ways our world is unfolding right now, that there is good reason for this unusually long conjunction to fall into the annual peak of births and that our world is going to need these fighting warriors when need it. come of age. Those with Mars-Uranus conjunctions seem to have an urgent need to exercise their inalienable right to be who they are, more harshly about it than those with the square.

Midlife – Turning the Tide with Mars and Uranus

As with other aspects of the planets outside of Mars, the midlife cycle can be a window for people with Mars-Uranus aspects to bottom out in whatever way the combination is being used destructively and switch to more constructive uses. That would be during the intervals in which Uranus in transit is in the opposite sign from its natal position. Many celebrities of the subgeneration with the conjunction of Pluto and Uranus in Virgo in the 1960s have used the midlife aspects of the opposition of Uranus in transit to natal Uranus in a positive way, with great achievements. Both Johnny Depp and Robert Downey, Jr. have Mars conjunct Uranus and Pluto, and both went through extremely self-destructive phases, but both seemed to be reaching their mid-life.

I have often observed that in middle age, strongly Uranian people who have been using the energies of that planet in self-destructive ways seem to bottom out in destructive patterns and find more constructive ways to use their Uranian abilities and desires. Sometimes it takes a breakdown of the kind that Downey went through, but many others come to terms with Uranus’ demands through thought and conscious choice. Doris Hebel, an excellent astrologer, was one of the first to lecture on the midlife cycle, and what she said about the Uranus-Uranus opposition captured it all: “It is like a wave that has moved as far away as possible. off the coast, and now he has to turn back. “

Given that Mars is the planet most physically related to masculinity, it is intriguing to consider whether the opposition of Uranus in midlife is somehow related to the idea of ​​a male menopause with a reduction in male hormones. For many years, medical experts (mostly men) rejected the idea, although wives, and ex-wives, insisted that their husbands experienced it in their 40s, citing the prevalence of sports car purchases, adventures, and new trophy wives. as evidence. Lately, it seems that experts are more receptive to the idea and have started to investigate it.

The changes men go through in middle age are unsettling, but they eventually subside. For the Mars-Uranus types, if there is indeed a change in male hormones, perhaps this is part of helping you relax into the more volatile expressions of that aspect and begin to cultivate constructive expressions.

When exploring a planetary pair in depth, I always end up feeling that we have barely scratched the surface. There is always much more to discover and pass on. This is certainly true of exceptional individuals with Mars-Uranus aspects. I hope this interpretation inspires you to do your own research and thinking, so that you are ready when the inhabitants of Mars-Uranus invade your astrology practice, or when the friends and relatives who are parents or grandparents of the 2003 crop of babies will give you ask what kind of brave new world these kids have entered.

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