Turbonator Gas Saver – Does the Turbonator really increase gas mileage?

Turbonator commercials have been everywhere lately. Every time gasoline goes up, these products are selling like hot cakes and people continue to be disappointed by their lackluster performance. They do a great job of selling. I’m not the first to say that. The ads are packed with testimonials, stats, and illustrations to make you believe you’ll get 10 more MPG per tank of gas. By the end of the commercial, you’re so excited about the product that you don’t even consider how much it costs.

This exactly happened to me and I was really mad at myself for falling for such a scam. I don’t know how these companies get away with selling products that just don’t work.

The product itself is just a piece of metal that is inserted into the intake tube. The claim in the commercial is that the Turbonator creates a vortex that forces more air into your manifold, which is supposed to increase gas mileage. I was so excited when mine arrived in the mail, I dropped everything and put it right there.

I logged my mileage for the next few weeks expecting to see at least one MPG increase. That would have been fine with me. The product was not really that expensive. But nothing at all. I noticed absolutely no change at all. No sound difference, no performance difference, nothing. I think you get what you pay for, but in this case, I got nothing. I was going to return it after a few weeks but couldn’t get it off my admission so I dropped it and took the cost.

If you’re thinking of buying one of these, don’t. It is a waste of your money.

I found a better solution a few weeks later. Consider doing a water fuel conversion to your car instead of buying the Turbonator. The tank immediately after I did my conversion produced 49 MPG. The instructions came with some tuning instructions and now I have gotten to over 55 MPG on my 4 banger gas saver 🙂

The only way you will increase your MPG is by introducing a substance into your fuel mixture that creates more efficient combustion. Water fuel conversions do this by introducing HHO gas into the air fuel mixture in a ridiculously easy and effective way.

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