What is Precency?

There are many complications that women have to go through during their gestation period; for example, swollen face, hands and feet. Also nausea, headache, vomiting and increased blood pressure. These are all routine matters for all pregnant women. There are certain things that are not normal, for example, syndromes; that can attack pregnant women, for example, HELLP syndrome. Even the smallest problem during pregnancy seems to be a big one. Sometimes the increase in blood pressure, if not treated properly, leads to a serious problem term like pre-eclampsia. In case preeclampsia is not treated, it leads to its final and severe phase which is known as Preclancy.

Preeclampsia is a disease that has the same causes, causes and effects as preeclampsia. Like pre-eclampsia, it can be due to many different reasons. It can be if the pregnant woman is over 40 years old. At the same time, if the woman has a family history of preeclampsia, this disease can attack her. Obesity before pregnancy can be one of the reasons for getting this disease. Twin or multiple pregnancies; leads to this problem during the gestation period. If a woman has a family history of preclination as if her mother or some other sister of hers suffered from this problem then she too can be a victim of this problem. Mostly, this disease is seen in pregnant teenagers and in first-time pregnancies. History of diabetes, any kidney disorder, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus are the other possible causes of this problem.

Above all; The exact causes of this disease are not known. But most of the time; Seizures are seen in women who have this disease. It can cause coma and even death for mother and baby during, before, or after the baby is born. High body fat, insufficient blood flow to the uterus, and poor hygienic eating can be some of the other causes of this problem in a woman.

Its common symptoms include the same as pre-eclampsia, such as protein molecules in the urine, high blood pressure, and rapid swelling with increased body weight. In addition to these; Severe and constant headache, decreased urination, excessive vomiting, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, etc. are other signs of pre-growth in a pregnant woman.

The only and effective treatment for the aforementioned disease is delivery of the baby. The mild form of this disease can be treated by restricting activity and keeping the patient under observation, either at home or in the hospital. In case of a serious problem, timely delivery is the only cure, regardless of the baby’s age. Other treatments may include injection of magnesium into the future woman’s veins to prevent seizures related to eclampsia. Strict control of fluid intake may be one of the cures for the above mentioned disease. Severe elevations can be prevented by the use of any antihypertensive medication.

In general, there is no way that this disease cannot be prevented, but it can be treated with care. Once diagnosed, timely treatment is required for the survival of both the mother and the baby.

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