What kind of images do modeling agencies want?

If you are really passionate about modeling and want to impress a modeling agency, the best way to do it is, without a doubt, to send the best photos. We reveal some important photo tips that modeling agencies are looking for and some guidelines that you should follow.

Simplicity is not boring

Contrary to what may be your instinctive idea, modeling agencies are not looking for extraordinary photos or elegant clothes! This can work against you. First of all, the agency might think that you are an inflexible person who is only interested in a particular style of fashion and modeling. They may also perceive your effort as arrogance. Agencies are looking for new material that they can mold and, more importantly, a humble person that they can cooperate and work with. No agency wants to sign someone they think might be difficult to work in harmony with.

Therefore, always submit photos with simple clothing and minimal makeup. Solid, dark colors like maroon and blue would avoid too many distractions and put more focus on you, your body, and your facial features in the photo.

Avoid distractions

Avoid too much clutter and photo noise in the background. Your background should be as simple as possible. Remember that modeling agencies are looking for YOU and not anyone else, so only you should be in your photos, and if all else fails, find a simple white wall and use it as a background.

no edits

Modeling agencies are full of staff and staff who are Photoshop gurus due to the nature of the industry. They’ll spot your edit in a photo from miles away. So don’t try your luck with Photoshop or any other software. No editing should be necessary for you to look good in a photo in any case. Also, if you edit and get called in for an interview, imagine the disappointment you’ll be bringing to the agency on your first day. The best way is to go natural and be known for your authentic look and confident personality. A credible agency will have the creative brains to imagine you in makeup and clothing of varying degrees and intricacies without you physically wearing them.

social media

If you are really interested in modeling and want to dedicate your life to it, the way you post on social media is also very important. Modeling agencies are often online and digitally savvy to keep their agency relevant with the times. They will likely do some background research on you if they are interested in you. Having said that; do not post studio-quality shots or photos online. Modeling agencies don’t want you to portray your social life as a professional network. Post casual photos and selfies that show you can look good without trying too hard. Show that you know how to have a good time and have a vibrant personality.

So there you have it, the best qualities in photography that agencies are looking for. Also, be sure to check the photo submission guidelines and make sure you adhere to them. Agencies will generally need at least one headshot and one body photo, and may have other specific requirements as well. Ask a trusted friend or family member you know to take the photos for you. Submit clear, simple, and well-shot photos, and you’ll surely have your ticket to modeling!

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