What you need to know before you start potty training boys and girls

Let’s face it, changing diapers isn’t much fun and you long to start potty training. However, this is something that cannot be rushed. You have to be sure that your child is ready. If you press the issue, it usually ends in tears and frustration (could be yours as well as your child’s).

There is no rule of thumb that says you should start potty training at a certain age. All children are individual. too potty training kids it can often start later than girls and can take longer. This article will help you assess whether your child is ready.

Some level of communication skills is vital. Does the child understand the meaning of basic words such as wash, dry, wet, clean, dirty, stand, and sit? Can they understand and follow simple instructions like “pick up the bricks and put them in the toy box”? Or do they need additional guidance or repeat instructions? Are they able to communicate their needs to you? Do they mainly point to and say some words (and you guess or interpret the rest) or can they string together some meaningful words, maybe even sentences?

You want to see some sign that the child’s bowel and urinary control functions are developing. Is it necessary to change the diaper every hour or two, or can the child go two to three hours or more without soiling the diaper?

Can your child sit quietly? For example, if you were to read a story, would they sit and listen intently or would they fidget, ignore you, or even walk away after a few minutes? What you’re looking for is a consistent pattern, not the odd occasion when they’re fidgety.

How independent is the child? Can they do some tasks on their own, like pull up their pants? Or do they need the help of an adult?

Your answers to the questions above will help you decide if your child is ready to be potty trained. Remember, you must answer truthfully, not give an answer that you think you should.

Make no mistake about it potty training kids and girls can be a stress-free experience for both you and your child if you start when your child is ready and not before.

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