Writing a Book – Nine Secrets of a Book Coach

Are you a potential self-published author? Do you want to make a difference in the world of your audience, build long-term wealth and brand business for global credibility? Would you like to be able to shorten your trip to this great experience? It’s easier with a partner who has gone before you. Here are nine secrets:

1. Prove the importance of your book. Does it help your audience? Share something new? If you have them, you should write your book NOW and stop waiting.

2. Be sure to think of your book as a business. Be willing to promote it. Most authors are reluctant sellers, and that prevents complete success.

3. Write a book that supports your business. You want your book to identify you and your business, so that you are seen as a smart expert. Then you can finance the writing of your fiction book.

4. Ask for help if you need it. Just to get your chapter formatted right, it would be smart to contact a book coach who knows and shows his expertise in his own books and seminars. You save a lot of wasted time by using a mentor.

5. Learn a fast-paced chapter writing technique. Put on the shoes of your audience. Ask the 5-7 questions they have on the topic of a particular chapter. Answer naturally because you have extensive experience. You don’t even need to investigate. And besides, you don’t want your chapter to lecture about what you know, but to engage your readers. So stop taking notes from other people’s books and apply your own knowledge. Now you have the central part of the chapter done. This one method can reduce your edits to one or two, not 10. The secret is in the chapter writing formula of engaging your audience, not telling them.

6. Include a hook in the first prizes of each chapter that attracts your audience. Have compassion for where they are now. Then let them have the benefits that will follow the hook. Now, you have given them a reason to read and even finish the chapter. If they don’t finish it, they won’t tell their friends or be your 24/7 sales team.

7. Write almost every day in your book. One page a day = two, three or even four books in a year. Don’t think too much book for your first. Get a short one that you will finish. You don’t need to write a great book for a general audience. You will get much more sales with a specific angle and a specific audience.

8. Focus on one book at a time. Even one chapter at a time. You don’t have to write the chapters in order. Write the easy ones first. Lack of focus is the number one mistake writers make.

If you keep changing directions, you’ll lose momentum and won’t write readable text.

9. Think of series for the theme of your book. After publishing a book on how to write, I published how to market a book online because I knew authors needed it. Then, knowing the importance of an author’s website, to a book or their business, I researched and got guidance on this topic to write another book on powerful writing on the web that sells. I directed all these books at successful business people who are my best audience.

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