Your fast-acting tool for negative waves

As someone who leans towards the spiritual side of life, are you picking up some of the negative vibes that have been going around?

Are you keeping peace in your heart as you go about your day during this interesting time? Before you know it, we reach the point where we look back and smile at all that we have learned. However, in this moment when we are “in” it, how do we tune back into our True Self of happiness and delight if we don’t have 20 minutes to meditate, take a walk, or get a massage?

It is important that we get to the heart of the matter. This process can take you there.

This is easy and works for adults and children. It may work for you.

This is a process that has been learned by hundreds of 3rd and 4th graders, as well as over a thousand adult professionals. This has helped CEOs, people in management, lawyers, people in medical professions, teachers, and more. Many people have created more pleasure in their marriages, relationships with spouses, children, family members, and co-workers with this simple yet powerful process. It will help us all get through these interesting times.

NeuroCalm works the negative feelings of any situation. It can also help with physical pain.

As you use this over time you will find that it becomes automatic.

NeuroCalm in 3 easy steps:

For now, ignore the thoughts. Imagine that your mind is like a talk show host has to say something, and turn it off. As Bob Newhart said on his famous YouTube, “Enough!” Humor helps here. Sometimes (perhaps you don’t) we take too seriously the thoughts that pass through our conscience.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. If you are spiritual/religious, connect with your Source. Imagine that you are sending light from Source to the feeling and the situation. See yourself and the situation bathed in light.

  1. Be brave and feel. Notice the sensation in your body. this is between you and that sensation, not the comment. Yes, he may be uncomfortable for a short time. You are trading feeling some discomfort now for the painful effects of ignoring it. Ignoring it causes it to fester and grow, affecting your mental/emotional state and health. Go ahead, feel it, immerse yourself in it. You can imagine that you are holding a baby or a kitten/puppy and be compassionate with their feelings. Here you are listening to yourself. You may notice that the sensation changes. Follow it as it changes. Sometimes this is all it takes for the feeling to go away.
  2. Ask the magic question. (I know, this sounds weird, humor me here, you’ll see the results… that’s what matters) Ask the feeling the magic question “What do I need to know to let you go?” Pay attention to the first thing that comes to your mind. It can be a thought, an image, it can be a “knowledge”. That’s your answer. Trust that first answer.
  3. Note. See if the feeling is still there. It may be the same, different, or it may be gone. If it’s still there, repeat the process.

Sometimes these feelings go away quickly and don’t come back. With some problems in life, the feelings come back. Simply repeat the process.

Do you resonate with this? Give it a try for three days and see if it makes a difference for you. If so, teach it to others and children. Imagine yourself growing up knowing that your feelings are your own and that there is a way to learn from them and release them peacefully.

For more information on how to send light into a situation, see Lighting by Michael G. Reccia. You may be surprised at what sending light can do.

Letting go from a spiritual perspective is liberating and healing, and the concept is one of many topics explored, explained and demystified in depth in ‘Joseph Communications’, a series of books that I highly recommend.

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