4 applications that are improving the retail business

With each passing day, technology advances and leaves various impacts on various business sectors. The field of retail business is no exception. Retailers are showing great interest in adopting enhanced tools like VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) so that they can deliver compelling and amazing experiences that take the level of interaction between retailer and consumer to a whole new level. . Here is a list of some apps that are transforming the shape of the entire retail industry and helping business grow.

virtual reality (VR)

Virtual reality would offer the latest way to visualize products, creating quality content along with engaging the products with popular brands.

#1 Buy from Alibaba+

This app would give a fascinating shopping experience. You can get this immersive experience through a Google Cardboard device. The virtual mall launched by Alibaba gives customers the feeling of shopping for goods at real-life stores like Macy’s, Target or Costco. Users simply need to look at the products of their choice and can interact with the products. Customers can request virtual models, who will show off the accessories and clothing.

#2 Retail

This mobile app is location based. Customers can make their necessary purchases in local offers but through the world of 3D VR. Users can not only check out the VR showrooms but also check out the weekly deals. If they like a particular product, they can add it to the shopping list. The interaction with the products becomes smoother through product links, clippable coupons along with a stunning video. If users like a particular product, they can get the navigation information to reach the nearby store, where the product is available.

Artificial Intelligence (AR)

In today’s technological age, AR is becoming an almost essential part of the online shopping experience. According to a recent survey, more than 71% of American millennials believe that this AI would accurately anticipate what kind of product they want.

#3 H&M Chatbot

To give your visitors an amazing shopping experience, integrating this chatbot is a good option. Navigate users or visitors through a variety of outfits based on users’ preferences. Once the users define the gender along with the style they prefer, this chatbot successfully suggests different items. The user may like or dislike the product. If the user does not like the suggested product, the chatbot would offer new recommendations. If the user likes a particular product, they will be presented with four options: ‘save it for later’, ‘buy it online’, ‘share with your friends’ and ‘see a new suggestion’.

Augmented reality

This scalable and robust technological innovation is transforming the retail business to a great extent.

#4 Migros Discover

Migros is a Swiss supermarket. Migros recently launched an innovative “Discover” feature on its mobile app. “Discover” successfully integrates Artificial Intelligence. By scanning any product from the total number of more than 5000 products, users can get access to detailed product information along with reviews, ratings, nutritional values ​​and recipes in real time.

In addition to all the apps mentioned above, apps like The Apollo Box, Sephora Visual Artist, Record, Lowe’s Holoroom, etc. they are creating a huge market base.

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