5 industries already focused on renewable and sustainable energy

Although, unfortunately, the policy to turnis a reality of our system of government, we must not overlook the potential dangers of proceeding with the same – old, same – old, instead of seeking the best, often – necessary, well-considered, viable solutions, to address real needs, goals, priorities, etc! In 2016, Donald Trump upset political pundits and normal expectations, by articulating a campaign strategy, emphasizing his campaign slogan, Make America Great Again! However, many believe that the last four years have seriously set us back in many areas, especially those related to environmental and climate needs, and the need to seek sustainable and renewable energy sources and approaches, rather than simply the same – old, the same – old business – as – the habitual and excessive dependence on fossil fuels. While politicians often seem to focus on their personal agenda, etc., the world needs to address these challenges sooner rather than later! Even many of the world’s largest corporations recognize this and are already focused on replacing so much reliance on fossil fuels with a much greater reliance on renewable and sustainable energy! With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 industries that have significant plans.

1. Automotive: Almost all car manufacturers have made significant changes to the power of their vehicles. Government standards, originally created during the administration of President Carter in the 1970s, have reduced the amount of fuel vehicles use! Most of them now have models that are either hybrid and/or electric, and several have plans, in the not-too-distant future, to transform into fully electric vehicles.

two. Cruise ships: A combination of factors has contributed to the environmental efforts of several cruise lines! Every ship owned and operated by Viking Cruise Lines has used a combination of hybrid resources, enhanced environmental use, etc. Most of the others have also taken steps to reduce their fuel consumption!

3. Industrial / Logistics / Transportation: Amazon claims that all of its delivery vehicles will be electric in about a decade. UPS has taken several fuel saving measures. If you drive past the drug companies in New Jersey, you’ll see, solar panels, farms! Many bus companies use natural gas, hybrid and/or electric to power their buses, etc.

Four. Residential: More fuel efficient heaters etc. have reduced the use of non-renewable energy in homes! In addition, several have modified their heating systems, etc., by using solar and/or geothermal energy, etc., to make a significant difference – for the better!

5. Other possibilities – plane, trains, etc: There have been many technological advantages, in this area, to improve and reduce the use of fuel, in airplanes, trains, etc., but there is still quite a way to go!

If industries seem ready to gradually modify their behaviours, etc., shouldn’t governments do the same? Wake up, America, and demand better, more relevant, and sustainable leadership, plans, and priorities!

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