5 ways to navigate the new job market

The last published jobs report indicated that 80,000 new jobs were added in October. This is great news, but we are still tied to a 9.0% unemployment rate. Depending on which job board you look at, there are a plethora of job opportunities listed, so the question remains how do you navigate the job market?

Before the explosion of social media and high-tech search techniques, submitting your resume and waiting for a response from a potential employer was pretty much all you had to do. Those days are long gone and new techniques must be employed so that you can increase your opportunities. Let’s be honest; There are no magic formulas that will get you a job, but there are certainly steps you can take to improve your chances. We outline 5 ways to navigate the job market to shorten your new career search.

1. Develop an online presence. It was recently reported that 86% of recruiters use social media to identify candidates for a position. You need to develop a professional profile on all the popular social networking sites. Sites like LinkedIn™ give you the ability to not only post your profile, but also network with professionals with similar backgrounds. Facebook™ is also great for developing a professional profile to communicate with your friends and family about career opportunities.

2. References. Referrals from employees, alumni, and others account for approximately 27% of positions filled by companies. You should immediately contact friends who work for the companies you are interested in. Be sure to let them know you are on the job market and provide them with a copy of your resume. [electronic preferred]. Employers always contact employees first before posting jobs on job boards or seeking help from recruiters.

3. Job exchanges. There are many popular sites that are used by companies, such as Career Builder™, Monster™, DICE™ et al. These sites are used by employers and recruiters to identify candidates who are in the job market. If you use any of these sites, be sure to regularly update your resume, as some companies use date parameters when searching for candidates.

4. Resume marketing. Resumes were once considered a document to list your employment history and educational information. Resumes are now considered the most important marketing document. This document should now include a value proposition statement and documentation of past performance and results. Your resume is literally the only document potential employers look at to determine if they want to consider you for a phone screen. It must be specifically tailored to the job you are applying for. Make sure your resume is well written and keyword rich. Keywords are usually found in the job description and mission statement of the prospective company.

5. Persistence and patience. It was recently reported that professionals can expect to spend an average of 44 weeks on the job market. Knowing that there are many qualified professionals just like you out there looking for work, you should look for ways to give yourself an advantage. Just like the sales profession; Job hunting is also a numbers game. You also need to understand that it is a full-time activity, and to shorten your job search time, you need to work hard.

As the economy begins to improve, more companies will be looking for qualified employees. Keep in mind that today’s employer is very selective and know that he has many options for qualified candidates. Knowing how to navigate this difficult job market will help you find that rewarding new career.

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