4 Bad Habits That Can Destroy Your Weight Loss Progress!

Bad habits are one of the things that got you into the position where you had to lose weight in the first place. However, and unfortunately, many people end or continue with a set of specific bad habits during their diet that prevents them from obtaining little or no results. I should know … I used to do these things myself! See if you are doing one of these things below and what I recommend you do instead …

1. Add unhealthy additives to your food and drink – Seasonings are a nightmare for dieters (and for that matter, non-dieters). Ketchup, mayonnaise, sugar, cream – these are things that are LOADED with EMPTY calories and tons of bad stuff (simple carbs, sodium, etc).

On any given day, you could literally consume 500 or more calories from just condiments! Now imagine what all of that is doing to your body in a negative way. Now imagine how many calories you will save and how quickly you will lose weight (and improve your overall health) if you eliminate or swap those condiments for healthier versions.

2. Being overweight – Results are the secret to getting a TON of motivation to get on with anything in life. If you see or feel results with your body, you can certainly count on you to stay motivated. However, if you weigh yourself too much … and don’t see the kind of results you want on the scale … chances are you will lose motivation … and eventually give up.

What I recommend is that you first weigh yourself only once a week (and preferably first thing in the morning before you have eaten anything). Second, the best way to measure your progress is to see how your clothes fit and see how you look in the mirror. The reason is because your weight may not always tell you that you are making progress. And that’s because muscle weighs more than fat, and you may have gained muscle and burned fat. And there is certainly nothing wrong with that!

3. Skip breakfast – By ignoring the most important meal of the day, you are putting yourself in a position where you will crave carbohydrates like crazy later in the day, slowing down your metabolism (leading to fat storage rather than fat loss) You will lose energy natural, and more. The solution is simple: eat a healthy breakfast every morning!

4. Eat a mega dinner – Due to skipping breakfast and eating like a bird all day, most people end up starving when dinner arrives. Therefore, they end up eating a HUGE dinner! This ends up causing problems with your digestive system, slows down your metabolism, and can lead to late-night sugar cravings … and more!

What I recommend you do is, first of all, make sure you follow advice n. 3 above regarding never skipping breakfast. Second, I recommend that you follow some type of diet program that relies on eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day (which could even be something as simple as a nutritious protein shake for a meal or two). The amount of meals you should eat should be around 4 to 6. This will boost your metabolism, keep you full, and do wonders for your digestive system.

One last tip …

The way you diet and exercise not only has to be natural and effective, it also has to keep you motivated. The more motivated you are, the more you will automatically stop bad habits and follow the right path to achieve an amazing body both inside and out.

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