Some Ways to Relieve Spring Allergy Symptoms in Children

Before starting any spring allergy treatment, you should visit a pediatrician to check if it is the allergy that is causing your child’s illness or if there is any other reason for the symptoms. Although there is no effective cure for spring allergies in children, there are some ways you can make your little ones feel better.

These few tips have been shown to be effective in helping curb spring allergy symptoms.

Keep your child inside

Staying indoors is one of the best ways to avoid contact with allergens. When the level of pollen in the air is high, try to keep your child indoors. The pollen count is highest in the middle of the morning or early evening or when it is windy.

Salt water treatment

Nasal congestion is one of the most painful symptoms of a seasonal allergy. To relieve congestion you can try nasal irrigation with salt water. You can buy saline water at the drug store or create your own by mixing 8 ounces of water with 1 teaspoon of salt.

Have your child drink lots of water

Continuous sneezing and nose blowing can make your child feel dry. Therefore, always have a sippy bottle on hand to keep your baby well hydrated.

Steam therapy

It’s okay to give little ones a little time in the tub as long as the water is very hot. The steam from the water helps relieve allergy symptoms. Just make sure the water isn’t boiling.

Keep your room cool

Turn on the air conditioning in your home and in your car to prevent pollen from getting into your room.

Use a humidifier

Your child would breathe much easier if there was a little moisture in the air. If you live in an area with a dry climate, then you might consider purchasing a humidifier.

Use a cold compress

If your child is bothered by the itchy eye symptom, apply a cold compress to the eyes and face. The cold compress is an effective way to treat pain and itching.

Gargling for a sore throat

If your child suffers from a sore throat, gargling with saline water could greatly help relieve the pain.

Hot drinks help too

Drinking plenty of fluids helps control allergy symptoms. A ginger, lemon and honey tea is a refreshing drink that also helps relieve congestion and a cold throat.

Use petroleum jelly for a sore nose

If your child’s nose is raw and sore from sneezing, just dab on some petroleum jelly to eliminate the pain.

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