The Red-breasted Robin (Erithacus rubecula)

The robin (Erithacus rubecula) is a resident bird of the United Kingdom and can be found throughout the year. They are seen most often in the fall and winter months as they cross the garden in search of food. You can often hear them sing from a prominent position in an effort to warn other robins not to invade their territory. They also actively chase other birds away from their feeding areas under tables and bird feeders.

The robin is a small bird with a length of around 14 cm and a wingspan of around 21 cm. They have an orange-red throat, chest, and forehead with light brown upperparts and grayish-white underparts. Both the male and female robin look identical. Juvenile robins, on the other hand, do not have red chests and instead have brown-spotted tops and underparts. Its song is a chirp and its call is a short, high note.

Robins nest between April and June and can have up to three clutches during this time. The female robin lays one egg a day for a total of five or six eggs. Their nest is made of leaves, moss, and other soft materials and is nestled in hollow or dense vegetation like well-established ivy. You can also provide a nest box for robins in your garden. Hang an open-fronted nest box somewhere hidden in dense vegetation such as ivy or other creepers.

A robin’s main diet consists of worms, spiders, and other insects and will consume berries during the fall months. They can often be seen following gardeners as they stir in the dirt or dig holes to see what interesting foods have been discovered.

What can I feed the robins?

The robin is a very common bird and can be easily encouraged in your garden. His favorite food is dried mealworm, which can be fed directly or soaked in a little water. Additionally, sunflower hearts and peanut granules are firm favorites, while being high in energy and rich in oil. They are quite partial to tallow granules and raisins, and are often eaten avidly! You can also feed them seed mixes with those designed for robins, which often contain most of these listed ingredients. Robins mostly feed on the ground, so it is best to use a bird table on the ground or spread the food over hedges and vegetation.

It is best to feed robins all year round. They benefit from this extra food supply during the cold winter months when food is scarce and during the breeding season when they have more mouths to feed. They also know where to go for food when natural resources are scarce.

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