Be a responsible bunny owner

If you want to have a pet rabbit, there are a few things you need to learn to be a responsible rabbit owner. Your pet depends on you to provide for all of his needs, so it’s important that you know as much about rabbits as possible.

Where will your rabbit live?

Will your rabbit live inside or outside? Outdoor rabbits need a sturdy hutch to protect them from the weather and predators. Indoor rabbits need a safe place away from furniture, electrical cords, and other pets.


No matter where your rabbit lives, you should develop a regular cleaning routine. Indoor rabbits often have litter trays that need to be changed daily. The entire cage should also be cleaned regularly. Vinegar solutions, weak bleach solutions, or a disinfectant called Vanodine are all safe to use around rabbits. Outdoor rabbits need to dump their trays every few days and clean their cages routinely.

Sterilization and neutralization

Domestic rabbits are good candidates for spaying and neutering. Spaying can prevent uterine cancer in females and make them less territorial and aggressive. Castration can prevent males from developing the habit of spraying urine to mark their territory. Be sure to find a veterinarian who has experience working with rabbits.

Management of your rabbit

To prevent yourself and your rabbit from getting hurt, it’s important to learn how to pick it up and handle it correctly. Don’t grab them by the ears! When you pick up your rabbit, you want to support its entire body. The spine is actually quite fragile, and frightened rabbits have been known to break their backs when they panic.

Hold your pet still with one hand while the other slides under them. Raise them up so that their hindquarters are supported by your arm. Hold them close to your body when you wear them. If you’re worried about being scratched, wrap your pet in a towel when you pick him up.


Your rabbit will do a lot of its own grooming, but there are some benefits to helping it. First of all, he gets to know you better and feels comfortable with you. Then, it gives you quality time with your pet. Although rabbits rarely need baths, they do appreciate a good brushing, especially at molting time. Toenails should be trimmed every six weeks.

If it gets dirty on its underside, you can gently wash it by soaking the area with a damp towel and gently wiping away the feces. This can be a symptom of other problems, so check with your vet if your rabbit has a dirty bottom. Check your rabbit’s ears to see if they’re clean and healthy, and take a quick look at his teeth to see if they all look straight.

Long-haired rabbits will need more frequent grooming. Brushing should be done every day if you have an angora. Their coats can be trimmed several times a year if desired. This is especially helpful during hot weather.

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