Benefits of Html5 over HTML

HTML, which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, is a language widely used on the web to develop web pages and web applications, it’s a WWW experience.
HTML describes the structure of the web page and the appearance of the document.
HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages.
Any type of document or web page one needs to create, the structure should be implicit in the back of your head first, such as headings, paragraphs, links, quotes where this structure should be placed, while one as basic structure can build it in HTML
To implement the structure scripts in HTML starts, HTML elements are described by tags that are written with angle brackets, the start and end are described as < >,
.Tags like img, which is used to insert an image, which is used to write a paragraph, there are many more tags that can help develop the structure.

Update is what the world is running on and HTML couldn’t escape that, the latest updated version of HTML is
HTML5 is still primarily a markup language where more features are added to the original HTML and some of the rigor is removed from XHTML.
The WWW experience needed to be improved, and thus there was a crack in HTML5.
The main advantages of HTML5
1. Make responsive
This task can be quite difficult for developers as the website needs to adapt to all the sizes of mobile devices out there. HTML5 gives developers control of their website the way they need.
2.canvas element
This element, one of the most discussed features of HTML5, by using this canvas element a developer can draw graphics using different colors and shapes using scripts for example. javascript
3. web application performance
Websites in the past used to be less unique, but the complexity changes over time, where HTML5 helps developers control the performance of their website.
4. Customizable data attribute
the main purpose of this attribute was to improve storage, this attribute represents the storage of additional information

The main difference between HTML and HTML5
1. Improved video and audio quality is supported by HTML5
2. The canvas and other virtual graphics are supported by HTML5, while HTML relied on technologies like flash, sliver-light, etc.
3.HTML5 uses WEB SQL databases, application cache for temporary storage data, while browser cache could use HTML.
4. The new form controls are compatible with HTML5 EX. email, URL, dates and times, search, etc.
5. New items have been introduced. Some important ones are:
footer, audio, navigation, exit, canvas, video, section, article, progress, source, ruby, mark, meter, figure.

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