Bloch tap shoes or Capezio tap shoes? A guide for anyone who needs to buy tap shoes

The first question that new students always ask me is: “What kind of tap shoes should I buy?” Since this is the season when many students take tap classes for the first time, I thought this short list of tips might be helpful and timely.

The names most new students come across are Bloch Tap Shoes and Capezio Tap Shoes. Lucky for you, I remember when these names meant nothing to me, either! Let’s go beyond the names and get to the council.

Your first pair of tap shoes should fit snugly.

Comfort is the most important consideration when buying tap shoes. If the shoe doesn’t fit, style and sound quality won’t really matter. A tap shoe should fit snug. There is no need to have extra room in a tap shoe unless you are still growing or have a medical condition. Over time, and with frequent use (and practice), shoe leather will stretch quite a bit… this means that if you start with a shoe that’s too big, you’re likely to eventually break a mirror or head. from some poor member of the audience. with that!

The style of the tap shoe is up to you

Quality tap shoes tend to last a long time, and you don’t want to marry something you can’t bear to look at. Ladies this means if you really want heels get them, if you don’t mind don’t get them. Sorry guys, most men’s tap shoes don’t have high heels.

Heels (not that I wear them) can be a bit more difficult to balance on and will require you to be a bit more alert while dancing. If you’re willing to do the extra work, go for it. Otherwise, stick with the flats.

In general, I recommend a firm, leather character tap shoe with a “box” toe box (supports the toes) and a firm sole (supports the foot).

You should spend as much as possible on tap shoes… No!

I knew that would get your attention. Tap shoes can be very expensive, but there are many reasons not to spend a lot of money on them.

Here are a few:

– You’re a beginner. Very expensive shoes are not going to change that. Did Michael Jordan basketball shoes make you play like Michael Jordan?

– If you later decide that tap dancing is not for you, do you really want to lose $150? FYI… The tap shoe resale market is not very generous.

– You probably don’t know what you like in a tap shoe yet. After tap dancing for a while, you’ll have a better idea of ​​your personal preferences and what’s important to you.

A good price for your first pair is between $30 and $70, although this isn’t a hard rule. The most popular brands, as mentioned above, are Capezio tap shoes, Bloch tap shoes, and Leo’s.

Please note that taps are sometimes not included with the shoes and are an additional $20. You may also have to pay a few bucks to have them installed at a local shoe repair shop.

I hope you found this short guide to buying tap shoes useful!

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