Crock Pot Cooking – 10 Important Tips

Thinking of cooking with a crock pot? You are clearly one of those who cares about your health and wants to cook food in the healthiest way. Choosing healthy ingredients and following various tips for cooking healthy and nutritious food will be useless if you are not using the proper kitchen utensils. Conventional ceramic and metal cookware leach and destroy nutrients in food leaving it contaminated and without nutritional value. Crock pot cooking is the oldest, but still the healthiest, method of cooking all kinds of food. Here are 10 tips to help you get started cooking in an unglazed natural crock pot:

1. Perfect for a healthy diet: No matter what the manufacturers say, no other cookware is compatible with crock pot cooking. The 100% natural clay is the only natural material free of contaminants and preserves the nutrients of the food during cooking. This makes it perfect for healthy cooking.

2. It has been there since ancient times: This cooking method has been around for the longest time. People started using metals only a century or two ago, but they didn’t know what this ‘change’ could do to their health.

3. Non-toxic cooking pot: If your pot is unglazed and made from 100% pure clay (no additives), it is the safest, non-toxic cooking pot.

4. It cooks faster with use: In some uses of cooking in these pans, cooking time is reduced and most recipes cook almost at the same time or faster (on gas).

5. No need to soak every time: Pots made of primary clay that are high-fired do NOT need to be soaked each time before use. This makes cooking in crock pots much more convenient.

6. Can be used in different heat sources: You can use gas, electric clay pots, outdoor grills, oven, induction on all cooking surfaces.

7. Must be properly dried before storing: While they like to be used constantly, it’s important to properly dry a pure crock pot if you’re going to be storing them for a while. All you need to do is clean it with a cotton towel and store it in a ventilated area. They can develop a little harmless mold if not completely dried, but they can be easily cleaned up by scrubbing in some vinegar and rinsing with warm water.

8. Multifunctional: Pure clay pots and pans can be used for almost all types of cooking. If you find the right one, they are actually multi-functional, from using as a pressure cooker to Dutch oven, cooking rice and grains and much more … Some of these pots can meet all your cooking needs!

9. Avoid frying: Pure clay pots are not recommended for frying. You can use a little oil if your recipe calls for it.

10. Lighter than cast iron: Some may think that clay is heavy, but in reality it is not … A 6 qt cast iron weighs around 15 pounds, while the same capacity, 6 qt Miriams clay cookware weighs 5 pounds. It is sturdy and strong! MEC in all these years, having sold a few thousand pots, has reported 2 broken pots.

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