Different types of outdoor rabbit houses

Did you know that the rabbit is one of the most popular pets in the world? They are affectionate and adorable creatures that prefer to be next to their owner. By nature, rabbits are intelligent, lively, curious, trainable, playful, and affectionate. They are ideal pets because you can leave them during the day as long as they have another rabbit for companionship.


According to history, domestic rabbits are descendants of wild rabbits in Europe. They are also a popular source of food and game animals in several European countries. They are introduced to other nations by travelers looking for other sources of food. Furthermore, they were introduced to the Mediterranean region during Roman times and to Europe during the Middle Ages.

Despite their adorable nature, rabbits carry a lot of responsibility. In addition to giving your rabbits nutritious food, vitamins, care and love, it is also your duty as a pet owner to keep them safe from harm, extreme temperatures, and predators. Keeping your rabbits in a cage or hutch is preferable to letting them roam inside your home due to the many dangers found in your home. They like to chew on different things inside the house, such as paper, electrical wire, toys, books, furniture, and many more.

If you want to have a kennel for them, you must select one of the different kennel designs and types found in pet stores, shops, and online retail sites. There are two main types of hutches found in stores, outdoors and indoors. Of the two, rabbits prefer the outdoor hutch because they can interact with the environment and have adequate ventilation.

Different types of outdoor rabbit hutches:

  • Basic simple sideboard – It is a one-story dwelling made of wood. It measures 24 x 30 inches long and has a door or roof that opens.
  • Single Compartment Raised – Similar to Single Compartment, but raised four feet off the ground. This type of hutch is much easier to clean and can keep your pets safe from predators.
  • Two-Story House – This is a two-story house that offers a great space-saving option for pet owners because it can house two rabbits.
  • Three-Story Hutch – This is a three-story hutch that houses three rabbits.
  • Deluxe Barnyard Shed – This is a two-story shed with gadget, shelter, hatch, and adjoining ramp where they can roam and roam.

Before choosing any of the options mentioned above, you should take note of the following important factors in any sideboard:

  • Protection against extreme and changing weather conditions. If you want to place it outside your home, it must be sturdy and durable to withstand changing weather such as rain, snow, and extreme heat from the sun.
  • It must provide adequate security against predators. Make sure you choose one that is strong and durable to protect them from predators such as cats, dogs, and wild animals.
  • Easy access. It should have large doors so your rabbit can get in and out easily. It also allows you to easily maintain and clean the cage.

By choosing the right hutch for your rabbit, you are sure that your pet is safe from harm.

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