Feng Shui and Healthy Design Tips for Teen Rooms

Getting ready for a new school year? Sharing a bedroom? Parents, do you want to set your children up for success in the upcoming school year? You can use feng shui principles to help in your next academic career. First, look at the knowledge area of ​​your room (the CLOSEST CORNER ON THE LEFT from the entrance facing INSIDE the room). Is the desk and computer there? Is it messy or is it a mass of books, notebooks and paper? If this is the case, revisit the clutter articles above. If not, here are some tips to help you:

At home, hang a crystal above your desk to increase chi.

Place a piece of amethyst on your desk to increase your concentration when you study. You can even use a larger piece as a paperweight!

If organization is an issue, color code each class. Match the notebooks and binders to each topic, maybe attach them to the book cover to help.

· On your computer, delete old emails, files, and folders that you’re done with. It will lessen the “clutter” you have to go through to get to the file you need.

· If your desk is next to a window, make sure there are curtains to close when you study so you don’t have to go out and play when you need to focus.

When choosing your seat in class, avoid sitting by the window as well. This will reduce daydreaming and force you to pay attention to what the teacher is saying. Instead, try to sit front and center.

· Stay away from the last row in a classroom, as there are too many distractions and it is very easy to “hide”.

· Sit under a light. Dim lighting can make you sleepy and is bad for your eyes, causing eyestrain.

· Use color to keep you in an academic frame of mind: choose light green notebooks for subjects that stress you out, decorate your locker with yellow to keep you upbeat during the long school day, wear navy blue to look stylish (and to when you have time to make oral presentations) and use rainbow stickers on school supplies or your locker to stay in tune with your surroundings.

Make sure the bedroom/bedroom KNOW area is clear (!) and organized. You want to be able to access books, notebooks, folders/files, pens, and computers when you need them and make the most of your time when you’re in “that study mode.” The blue color should also be used here. If blue isn’t in your room’s color scheme, incorporate blue with fresh flowers, picture frames, or better yet, a blue rug under your desk and chair!

Okay, you have outstanding school and studies, but how do you increase your circle of friends and get along better with your siblings and parents? You can apply your knowledge of the bagua board and how to activate the nine areas of life to your wardrobe (for example, where do you wear red for a party to get more people’s attention), to where you sit in the library (for example, sit in the Knowledge area to maximize study time) and reducing clutter in the Family area or in your bedroom to help improve a positive “energy flow” in your relationship with your bossy older sister.

Let’s address your social life (friends and romantic relationships), starting in the Relationships area (FAR RIGHT CORNER) of your bedroom. Make sure it’s free of clutter. If not, go back and check the out of order items. This is where you want to display all the photos of you and your friends having fun. Put up a bulletin board here where you can add photos, invitations, calendar and ticket stubs.

Your Relationship area is where you should place a photo of you and your boyfriend/girlfriend. If you don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend, but would like to go on more dates (with parental approval), try putting the items in pairs (this means a “pair”). Items shown in the singular (one) represent being alone, and items shown in three mean that a third person always stands between you and your boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend. Pink is the chosen color here. I know some of you will cringe at the thought of PINK (ugh), however this is the color used to activate this area and the color of self love. Self love means loving and liking oneself. You have to do it before anyone else does! A great and simple way to activate this area is to find a rose quartz heart: this brings the color pink and the element of earth, as well as being the symbol of love! For the guys who want nothing to do with pink hearts, try a piece of pink fabric or pink ribbon and hide it under a book. An unseen feng shui “cure” works just as well as a seen “cure.” It is the intention and the thought towards a goal that is really at stake here.

When working in the Relationship area, you cannot expect that by placing a heart in this area, everything will be perfect with your friends or that you will meet, date, or marry the person of your dreams. You have to go out there and try to make things happen. Here are some tips on how not to be an outcast:

· Relax… take a deep breath as a calm that creates a safe and approachable you.

· Remember the Bagua board! See where the Relationship or Success areas are at a party, the dining room, the study room… wherever the kids hang out and see what happens. So get over there and get involved.

· Stand up straight. Think clean, sleek lines when you’re standing or sitting, as awkward angles look awkward, awkward, and unapproachable.

· Most importantly, be yourself. You have a lot to offer, don’t settle for less or lower your expectations.

Wear a shimmery pink lip gloss on your next date to look charming for the cute boy in your English class. For the boys, wear a red sweater to add some excitement and to get noticed by that cute girl in her classroom.

Now that you’ve made new friends or reconnected with your current group, here are some party ideas with a “feng shui twist.”

The first is for a Yin party. Yin generates the calm, relaxing, refreshing and feminine principles of the Yin/Yang symbol. You want to have a Yin party (or just bring a little Yin into your life) when you want a relaxing and rejuvenating party where you can talk and connect with your friends. This can be for a good “chat” with your girlfriends or to watch a sporting event with your friends. Decorate in blues, grays and purples with bamboo stems and bowls of oranges (great for a late night snack!) for abundance and happiness. Serve light and refreshing meals:

· Cucumber and Tomato Sandwiches: Cucumber, tomato and lettuce make this easy sandwich. Remember to remove the crust and cut into small triangles to make it special.

Honey Ice Cream Fruit Salad – Cut up apples, oranges, strawberries, or any other fruit you like. Serve with a large scoop of vanilla ice cream and drizzled with honey. mmm!

· Citrus Splash: Fill glasses with ice cubes and sparkling water, then squeeze in fresh orange and lemon juice.

Warm Honey Mint Tea: On those chilly fall/winter nights, put on a kettle and brew a cup of mint tea. Add a tablespoon of honey. Mmmmmmm….

Salsa and other sauces with chips: A tomato sauce with tortilla chips or vegetables with salsa are a good snack for a night of watching TV or movies. You don’t have to be a chef to put this together for your friends, either.

The second is a Yang party. Yang means fun, action, warmth, and lots of socializing. A Yang party is for a large group of people who dance, talk and mingle until the wee hours of the morning. The decorations for this party should include: red, lanterns, bright lights and lots of dance music. Serve rich, dark, warm and sticky foods:

· Cheese Rolls: Roll up pieces of chicken or ham (you can use vegan alternatives) with lettuce and cheese. Stick a toothpick in the center of each roll to hold them together.

· Chocolate Peanut Butter Graham Cracker Sandwiches – Break a chocolate bar into large chunks. Spread peanut butter on each piece and sandwich between two whole-grain crackers.

Chocolate Shake – Break up a couple of chocolate bars and throw them in a blender with a cup of ice cream and a cup of milk. Blend over high heat until smooth and creamy.

· Banana Boats: Cut a banana in half and alternate chocolate chips and mini-marshmallows on the banana. Wrap in aluminum foil and bake for 5 minutes at 300 degrees (until the chocolate melts). Really sticky and good!!!!

Some other feng shui foods for your soul:

· Fortune Cookies: Cheesy, yes, but who doesn’t open that cookie hoping to see what the fortune cookie gods have in store for us?

Mangoes- represents abundance

Oranges-represent abundance and happiness

Noodles and peanuts: ensure a long life

· Steamed meatballs: for good fortune

Okay, you’ve been working on your grades and your social life is going great, but what about your annoying little brother or your parents who are just plain embarrassing? You want to look at the family area of ​​your bedroom first and make sure it’s tidy. If not, check out the clutter items. This area is where you want to display family photos. When deciding which photos to use, look for images that show you happy with everyone in your family. Make sure everyone in your family is in the photo and that you are in the photos too. This will give you the energy that all of you are literally one big happy family. To really “feng shui” your family, find the Family area in your home and apply the same tips.

Also look at the bathroom in your house, especially if you have to share the bathroom with your siblings. Bathroom clutter is a fact of life in most homes, but it shouldn’t be. Involve your parents and siblings in cleaning up this space. Get rid of all old and expired medications and makeup (6 months is the norm) as they are no longer useful or effective. Give your sinks, tub, and toilet a thorough cleaning (natural cleaners, please!). It is important that when you work in shared spaces with other family members, you get permission from your parents. Include them in the process and use this as an opportunity to find common ground and create new memories. Here are more bathroom tips:

· Keep all drains covered (no exposed pipes), seats down, and door closed. You don’t want all the good energy to “go down the drain!”

Hang a glass between the door and the toilet if you see the toilet immediately after entering the space. A small plant in the toilet tank will also keep the energy moving.

Make sure the mirror is large enough and hung to reflect your head and the heads of everyone who uses this room.

· Use a decoration here that will attract attention. The wallpaper border is perfect here! Fun lights and plants that grow upwards will also keep your eye and energy moving upwards.

Turquoise candles will help you feel pampered and relaxed.

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